[vlc-devel] How to enable a (second) interface plugin

Sridhar Sarnobat ss401533 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 19 18:29:07 CET 2020

What I'm trying to do

Create a plugin in C (not Lua) that will write the URI of the currently
playing media file to /tmp/now_playing.txt

What I am unable to do

Get the plugin to load (so that the callback gets invoked each time a media
file starts playing). I don't want to modify vlc's core source, I'm hoping
the plugin can be loaded simply by being put in the right directory and
following the naming convention.

How do I ensure the plugin callback will get invoked when a playlist item
is changed?

What I've tried

Duplicating modules/control/dummy.c and putting a print statement inside
Open() - this doesn't get printed. I can't put "-I dummy" as a command line
parameter because then the proper interface won't get loaded. I don't know
if you can load multiple interface plugins.

I've been trying to understand how plugins are loaded (and have read this:
https://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:VLC_Modules_Loading/) but all I can
see are static calls in the core to vlc_module_load(), and module_need().

Sridhar Sarnobat
San Jose, CA 95128 | USA
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