[vlc-devel] [PATCH 1/3] Fix problem that the very first character of the RSS display is omitted

Daniel Glaas daniel.glaas at freenet.de
Tue Jul 21 00:08:21 CEST 2020

Hi Steve,

thanks for your review! I adapted the following:
- I added an additional function for consistent initialization of some 
p_sys variables.
- The check you mentioned indeed didn't work anymore as intended. I 
changed the comparison to "p_sys->i_cur_char <= 0"

I attached the new version of the Patch to this mail, I hope this is the 
correct way to reply.

Am 20.07.20 um 09:15 schrieb Steve Lhomme:
> Hi,
> This does not seem coherent with the rest of the code.
> The same variable is left initialized differently in the Open(). 
> (maybe a function to reinitialized the same variables would be nice)
> There's also a test on "p_sys->i_cur_char == 0" which will not be 
> working anymore after this change.
> On 2020-07-18 4:03, Daniel Glaas wrote:
>> Fix problem that the very first character of the RSS
>> display is omitted
>> The variable p_sys->i_cur_char is used to track how many chars shall 
>> be left
>> out when printing a title into the display buffer.
>> If this variable is initialized to zero, then in the very first 
>> iteration it
>> is already set to 1 in function *Filter. This then leads to the 
>> effect that
>> the very first char is never printed.
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