[vlc-devel] [PATCH v2 5/5] vout: win32: drawable: use an internal HWND to detect size changes

Steve Lhomme robux4 at ycbcr.xyz
Thu May 7 16:46:04 CEST 2020

It turns out vlc_sem_t uses vlc_atomic_wait but in a cleaner way.

On 2020-05-07 16:31, Steve Lhomme wrote:
> My understanding is that semaphores are heavier that condition 
> variables. On the other hand it would be a clean win32 API call...
> On 2020-05-07 16:26, Alexandre Janniaux wrote:
>> Hi,
>> hwnd_is_ready doesn't look initialized, but anyway you oculd
>> probably replace the lock, the cond and the boolean by
>> a semaphore to simplify instead.
>> Regards,
>> -- 
>> Alexandre Janniaux
>> Videolabs
>> On Thu, May 07, 2020 at 04:11:19PM +0200, Steve Lhomme wrote:
>>> In the past the display module was checking if the size of the host HWND
>>> changed via the Manage callback. Now this callback doesn't exist 
>>> anymore and
>>> the window module is responsible for reporting its size.
>>> In the case of embedded-window we need to read the size of the parent 
>>> as we
>>> don't get any events telling us it's resized, nor that we should be 
>>> resized
>>> (since apps using set_hwnd have no way to know the HWND we use 
>>> internally to
>>> resize it).
>>> ---
>>>   modules/video_output/drawable.c | 182 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>>>   1 file changed, 178 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/modules/video_output/drawable.c 
>>> b/modules/video_output/drawable.c
>>> index ad82afadd9e9..9e1d098d0576 100644
>>> --- a/modules/video_output/drawable.c
>>> +++ b/modules/video_output/drawable.c
>>> @@ -64,6 +64,125 @@ static const struct vout_window_operations ops = {
>>>       .destroy = Close,
>>>   };
>>> +#define RECTWidth(r)   (LONG)((r).right - (r).left)
>>> +#define RECTHeight(r)  (LONG)((r).bottom - (r).top)
>>> +
>>> +static const TCHAR *EMBED_HWND_CLASS = TEXT("VLC embeded HWND");
>>> +
>>> +struct drawable_sys
>>> +{
>>> +    vlc_mutex_t hwnd_lock;
>>> +    vlc_cond_t hwnd_ready;
>>> +    bool hwnd_is_ready;
>>> +
>>> +    vout_window_t *wnd;
>>> +    HWND hWnd;
>>> +    HWND embed_hwnd;
>>> +    RECT rect_parent;
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +static LRESULT CALLBACK WinVoutEventProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message,
>>> +                                         WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
>>> +{
>>> +    if( message == WM_CREATE /*WM_NCCREATE*/ )
>>> +    {
>>> +        /* Store our internal structure for future use */
>>> +        CREATESTRUCT *c = (CREATESTRUCT *)lParam;
>>> +        SetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, 
>>> (LONG_PTR)c->lpCreateParams );
>>> +        return 0;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    LONG_PTR p_user_data = GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA );
>>> +    if( unlikely(p_user_data == 0) )
>>> +        return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
>>> +    struct drawable_sys *sys = (struct drawable_sys *)p_user_data;
>>> +
>>> +    vout_window_t *wnd = sys->wnd;
>>> +
>>> +    RECT clientRect;
>>> +    GetClientRect(sys->embed_hwnd, &clientRect);
>>> +    if (RECTWidth(sys->rect_parent)  != RECTWidth(clientRect) ||
>>> +        RECTHeight(sys->rect_parent) != RECTHeight(clientRect)) {
>>> +        sys->rect_parent = clientRect;
>>> +
>>> +        SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, 0, 0,
>>> +                     RECTWidth(sys->rect_parent),
>>> +                     RECTHeight(sys->rect_parent),
>>> +                     SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOACTIVATE);
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    switch( message )
>>> +    {
>>> +    case WM_ERASEBKGND:
>>> +        /* nothing to erase */
>>> +        return 1;
>>> +
>>> +    case WM_PAINT:
>>> +        /* nothing to repaint */
>>> +        ValidateRect(hwnd, NULL);
>>> +        break;
>>> +
>>> +    case WM_CLOSE:
>>> +        vout_window_ReportClose(wnd);
>>> +        return 0;
>>> +
>>> +    /* the window has been closed so shut down everything now */
>>> +    case WM_DESTROY:
>>> +        /* just destroy the window */
>>> +        PostQuitMessage( 0 );
>>> +        return 0;
>>> +
>>> +    case WM_SIZE:
>>> +        vout_window_ReportSize(wnd, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));
>>> +        return 0;
>>> +
>>> +    default:
>>> +        break;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    /* Let windows handle the message */
>>> +    return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static DWORD WINAPI WindowLoopThread(LPVOID lpParameter)
>>> +{
>>> +    struct drawable_sys *sys = lpParameter;
>>> +
>>> +    /* Get this module's instance */
>>> +    HMODULE hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
>>> +
>>> +    vlc_mutex_lock(&sys->hwnd_lock);
>>> +    sys->hWnd =
>>> +        CreateWindowEx( 0,
>>> +                    EMBED_HWND_CLASS,              /* name of window 
>>> class */
>>> +                    TEXT("Embedded HWND"),                 /* window 
>>> title */
>>> +                    WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_DISABLED,       /* window 
>>> style */
>>> +                    0,                             /* default X 
>>> coordinate */
>>> +                    0,                             /* default Y 
>>> coordinate */
>>> +                    RECTWidth(sys->rect_parent),           /* window 
>>> width */
>>> +                    RECTHeight(sys->rect_parent),         /* window 
>>> height */
>>> +                    sys->embed_hwnd,                      /* parent 
>>> window */
>>> +                    NULL,                        /* no menu in this 
>>> window */
>>> +                    hInstance,          /* handle of this program 
>>> instance */
>>> +                    sys );                            /* send to 
>>> WM_CREATE */
>>> +    sys->hwnd_is_ready = true;
>>> +    vlc_cond_signal(&sys->hwnd_ready);
>>> +    vlc_mutex_unlock(&sys->hwnd_lock);
>>> +
>>> +    if (sys->hWnd == NULL)
>>> +        return 1;
>>> +
>>> +    /* Main loop */
>>> +    /* GetMessage will sleep if there's no message in the queue */
>>> +    MSG msg;
>>> +    while( GetMessage( &msg, 0, 0, 0 ) )
>>> +    {
>>> +        TranslateMessage(&msg);
>>> +        DispatchMessage(&msg);
>>> +    }
>>> +    return 0;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>>   static void RemoveDrawable(HWND val)
>>>   {
>>>       size_t n = 0;
>>> @@ -84,6 +203,9 @@ static void RemoveDrawable(HWND val)
>>>       {
>>>           free (used);
>>>           used = NULL;
>>> +
>>> +        HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
>>> +        UnregisterClass( EMBED_HWND_CLASS, hInstance );
>>>       }
>>>       vlc_mutex_unlock (&serializer);
>>>   }
>>> @@ -102,6 +224,7 @@ static int Open(vout_window_t *wnd)
>>>       size_t n = 0;
>>>       vlc_mutex_lock (&serializer);
>>> +    bool first_hwnd = used == NULL;
>>>       if (used != NULL)
>>>           for (/*n = 0*/; used[n]; n++)
>>>               if (used[n] == val)
>>> @@ -122,11 +245,62 @@ static int Open(vout_window_t *wnd)
>>>       vlc_mutex_unlock (&serializer);
>>> +    struct drawable_sys *sys = vlc_obj_calloc(VLC_OBJECT(wnd), 1, 
>>> sizeof(*sys));
>>> +    if (unlikely(sys == NULL)) {
>>> +        RemoveDrawable(val);
>>> +        return VLC_ENOMEM;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    sys->embed_hwnd = (HWND)val;
>>> +    sys->wnd = wnd;
>>> +    GetClientRect(sys->embed_hwnd, &sys->rect_parent);
>>> +    vlc_mutex_init(&sys->hwnd_lock);
>>> +    vlc_cond_init(&sys->hwnd_ready);
>>> +
>>> +    if (first_hwnd)
>>> +    {
>>> +        /* Get this module's instance */
>>> +        HMODULE hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
>>> +
>>> +        WNDCLASS wc = { 0 };                      /* window class 
>>> components */
>>> +        wc.lpfnWndProc   = WinVoutEventProc;                /* event 
>>> handler */
>>> +        wc.hInstance     = hInstance;                            /* 
>>> instance */
>>> +        wc.lpszClassName = EMBED_HWND_CLASS;
>>> +        if( !RegisterClass(&wc) )
>>> +        {
>>> +            msg_Err( sys->wnd, "RegisterClass failed (err=%lu)", 
>>> GetLastError() );
>>> +            goto error;
>>> +        }
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    // Create a Thread for the window event loop
>>> +    if (CreateThread(NULL, 0, WindowLoopThread, sys, 0, NULL) == NULL)
>>> +    {
>>> +        msg_Err( sys->wnd, "CreateThread failed (err=%lu)", 
>>> GetLastError() );
>>> +        goto error;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    vlc_mutex_lock(&sys->hwnd_lock);
>>> +    while (!sys->hwnd_is_ready)
>>> +        vlc_cond_wait(&sys->hwnd_ready, &sys->hwnd_lock);
>>> +    vlc_mutex_unlock(&sys->hwnd_lock);
>>> +
>>> +    if (sys->hWnd == NULL)
>>> +    {
>>> +        msg_Err( sys->wnd, "Failed to create a window (err=%lu)", 
>>> GetLastError() );
>>> +        goto error;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>>       wnd->type = VOUT_WINDOW_TYPE_HWND;
>>> -    wnd->handle.hwnd = (void *)val;
>>> +    wnd->handle.hwnd = (void *)sys->hWnd;
>>>       wnd->ops = &ops;
>>> -    wnd->sys = (void *)val;
>>> +    wnd->sys = (void *)sys;
>>>       return VLC_SUCCESS;
>>> +
>>> +error:
>>> +    RemoveDrawable(sys->embed_hwnd);
>>> +
>>> +    return VLC_EGENERIC;
>>>   }
>>>   /**
>>> @@ -134,7 +308,7 @@ static int Open(vout_window_t *wnd)
>>>    */
>>>   static void Close (vout_window_t *wnd)
>>>   {
>>> -    HWND val = (HWND) wnd->handle.hwnd;
>>> +    struct drawable_sys *sys = wnd->sys;
>>> -    RemoveDrawable(val);
>>> +    RemoveDrawable(sys->embed_hwnd);
>>>   }
>>> -- 
>>> 2.17.1
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