[vlc-devel] [PATCH] contrib: update tremor download link

Mehdi Sabwat mehdisabwat at gmail.com
Mon May 18 10:13:25 CEST 2020

From: Mehdi Sabwat <mehdisabwat at gmail.com>

svn and git instances seem to be have been taken down in favor of gitlab.
 contrib/src/tremor/rules.mak | 19 ++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/src/tremor/rules.mak b/contrib/src/tremor/rules.mak
index a517a79093..dd2bf8c4d4 100644
--- a/contrib/src/tremor/rules.mak
+++ b/contrib/src/tremor/rules.mak
@@ -1,25 +1,26 @@
 # tremor (fixed-point Vorbis)
+TREMOR_URL := https://gitlab.xiph.org/xiph/tremor.git
+TREMOR_HASH := b56ffce0
 ifndef HAVE_FPU
 PKGS += tremor
-	rm -Rf tremor-svn
-	$(SVN) export http://svn.xiph.org/trunk/Tremor tremor-svn
-	tar cvJ tremor-svn > $@
+	$(call download_git,$(TREMOR_URL),master,$(TREMOR_HASH))
-.sum-tremor: tremor-svn.tar.xz
+.sum-tremor: tremor-git.tar.xz
 	$(warning Integrity check skipped.)
 	touch $@
-tremor: tremor-svn.tar.xz .sum-tremor
+tremor: tremor-git.tar.xz .sum-tremor
 	# Stuff that does not depend on libogg
 	$(APPLY) $(SRC)/tremor/tremor.patch
-	rm -f tremor-svn/ogg.h tremor-svn/os_types.h
-	echo '#include <ogg/ogg.h>' > tremor-svn/ogg.h
-	echo '#include <ogg/os_types.h>' > tremor-svn/os_types.h
+	rm -f tremor-git/ogg.h tremor-git/os_types.h
+	echo '#include <ogg/ogg.h>' > tremor-git/ogg.h
+	echo '#include <ogg/os_types.h>' > tremor-git/os_types.h
 DEPS_tremor = ogg $(DEPS_ogg)

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