[vlc-devel] [PATCH] upnp: Correct top directory url formatting

Alaric Senat asenat at posteo.net
Thu Nov 19 17:59:54 CET 2020

The url appended here is the ContrentDirectoryService's control point 
url of an upnp server.
This url is assembled upper in the code so it's probably safe to assume 
that it will looks like this:
Which may be why the patched code was appending the url like that in 
the first place.

There are some cases where this could fail indeed but since the last 
part of the url is basically given by the upnp server description, 
these edges cases could come from a bad server configuration.

On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 17:13, RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont <remi at remlab.net> 
> Are you sure that the URL ends with either a list of parameters or a 
> path?
> There are other cases that this leaves broken. Blindly appending to a 
> URL is
> not a great idea.

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