[vlc-devel] Releasing 3.0.12

Sergio M. Ammirata, Ph.D. sergio at ammirata.net
Fri Oct 16 10:34:04 CEST 2020

>We did add dav1d. But are 4.0 access/access_output modules
compatible >with 3.0 ones ? Is the Rist library and the
module code considered >stable/safe enough ?
Let me clarify. We have had native rist modules (compliant
with TR06-1) for almost 2 years in the 4.x codebase (since
Nov 2018). These modules are stable an safe.The 4.x
access/access_output modules are not directly compatible
with the 3.x branch. However, the changes needed are
minimal. Here is a tree with the backport of the modules:


Regarding the libRIST library, 
https://code.videolan.org/rist/librist (compliant with
TR06-2): The new librist modules have been waiting for
review for inclusion into 4.x since June 2020:


These modules are separate from the native ones mentioned
above and are supposed to live side by side with them
sharing the same shortcut names. The reason to have both is
that it will take a while to iron out compilation of the
library into all the architectures VLC is ported to, and
having the natives would at least give support for "simple
profile" on those platforms. The libRIST library itself is
already being used by others on iOS, Android, windows,
linux and OSX without any issues.

That being said, I recommend that we ONLY include the
native modules into 3.0.12 at this time and add the libRIST
ones to 4.x instead as soon as possible (please someone
review them). If and when the next 3.0.x comes out, we can
reconsider inclusion of the newer libRIST ones as well.



-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Lhomme <robux4 at ycbcr.xyz>
Reply-To: Mailing list for VLC media player developers <
vlc-devel at videolan.org>
To: vlc-devel at videolan.org
Subject: Re: [vlc-devel] Releasing 3.0.12
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2020 09:30:22 +0200

On 2020-10-16 9:07, Thomas Guillem wrote:Any comments about
backporting RIST into 3.0?
We did add dav1d. But are 4.0 access/access_output modules
compatible with 3.0 ones ? Is the Rist library and the
module code considered stable/safe enough ?
On Thu, Oct 15, 2020, at 06:27, Sergio M. Ammirata, Ph.D.
I would like to backport the RIST input and output modules
for this release (I sent the patches a couple of months
ago). This is a news worthy item.
-----Original Message-----*From*: Felix Paul Kühne <
fkuehne at videolan.org <mailto:
Felix%20Paul%20%3d%3fISO-8859-1%3fQ%3fK%3dFChne%3f%3d%20%3cfkuehne at videolan.org
%3e>>*Reply-To*: Mailing list for VLC media player
developers <vlc-devel at videolan.org <mailto:
Mailing%20list%20for%20VLC%20media%20player%20developers%20%3cvlc-devel at videolan.org
%3e>>*To*: Mailing list for VLC media player developers <
vlc-devel at videolan.org <mailto:
Mailing%20list%20for%20VLC%20media%20player%20developers%20%3cvlc-devel at videolan.org
%3e>>*Subject*: [vlc-devel] Releasing 3.0.12*Date*: Sat, 10
Oct 2020 09:16:13 +0200
On Tuesday, there will be a press conference that is likely
to announce the release (date) of macOS 11.
Marvin and me did some specific fixes for this operating
system version so we would like to release an updated
version of VLC.
Seeing that we have some minor security patches pending and
that it would be nice to release some YouTube lua script,
UPnP and HLS improvements, I’d propose a general release
for all the OS.
Is anyone against? If yes, why?
Do you have things to backport? If yes, do it :)
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