[vlc-devel] [PATCHv3 3/7] contrib: add rust rules

Steve Lhomme robux4 at ycbcr.xyz
Tue Sep 1 08:27:30 CEST 2020

On 2020-08-31 13:38, Thomas Guillem wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2020, at 09:24, Steve Lhomme wrote:
>> On 2020-08-27 16:44, Thomas Guillem wrote:
>>> This adds CARGO_INSTALL and CARGOC_INSTALL, using the correct cargo path (from
>>> contribs) and using the correct install arguments.
>>> cf. https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/commands/cargo-vendor.html
>>> 'cargo vendor' fetch all dependencies required by a Rust project.
>>> Administrators will be able to create an archive (via the upcoming
>>> cargo-vendor-archive.sh script) containing all dependencies of a Rust project
>>> and upload it to the VideoLAN FTP.
>>> *-vendor packages will try to use such archive as the only crates source. In
>>> case of failure (checksum failed, archive not uploaded), CARGO_INSTALL will
>>> fallback to crates.io (by not using the --frozen --offline arguments).
> There is one -vendor project, hence one -vendor checksum per package.

So I don't understand the foreach loop in the makefile.

>>> A warning is displayed when the crates.io source is used. This is like our
>>> download_pkg mechanism (try first VideoLAN FTP, or print a warning and use the
>>> original source).
>>> ---
>>>    contrib/src/main-rust.mak | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>    1 file changed, 42 insertions(+)
>>> diff --git a/contrib/src/main-rust.mak b/contrib/src/main-rust.mak
>>> index ca272e25e21..2a0654e4698 100644
>>> --- a/contrib/src/main-rust.mak
>>> +++ b/contrib/src/main-rust.mak
>>> @@ -18,3 +18,45 @@ RUST_TARGET = x86_64-sun-solaris
>>>    else ifdef HAVE_LINUX
>>>    RUST_TARGET = $(ARCH)-unknown-linux-gnu
>>>    endif
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +CARGO_INSTALL_ARGS = --target=$(RUST_TARGET) --prefix=$(PREFIX) \
>>> +	--library-type staticlib --release
>>> +
>>> +# Use the .cargo-vendor source if present, otherwise use crates.io
>>> +	$(shell test -d $<-vendor && echo --frozen --offline || echo --locked)
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +download_vendor = \
>>> +	$(call download,$(CONTRIB_VIDEOLAN)/$(1)) || (\
>>> +               echo "" && \
>>> +               echo "WARNING: cargo vendor archive for $(1) not found" && \
>>> +               echo "" && \
>>> +               touch $@);
>>> +
>>> +# Extract and move the vendor archive if the checksum is valid. Succeed even in
>>> +# case of error (download or checksum failed). In that case, the cargo-vendor
>>> +# archive won't be used (crates.io will be used directly).
>>> +.%-vendor: $(SRC)/%-vendor/SHA512SUMS
>>> +	$(RM) -R $(patsubst .%,%,$@)
>>> +	$(call checksum,$(SHA512SUM),SHA512,.) \
>>> +		$(foreach f,$(filter %.tar.bz2,$^), && tar xvjfo $(f) && \
>>> +		  mv $(patsubst %.tar.bz2,%,$(notdir $(f))) $(patsubst .%,%,$@)) || true
>>> +	touch $@
>> It seems you are processing all the *-vendor files for every *-vendor
>> file that is found in the big Makefile ? Or is there one big checksum
>> file for all the vendor files ?
>>> +
>>> +	if test -d $@-vendor; then \
>>> +		mkdir -p $(UNPACK_DIR)/.cargo; \
>>> +		echo "[source.crates-io]" > $(UNPACK_DIR)/.cargo/config.toml; \
>>> +		echo "replace-with = \"vendored-sources\"" >> $(UNPACK_DIR)/.cargo/config.toml; \
>>> +		echo "[source.vendored-sources]" >> $(UNPACK_DIR)/.cargo/config.toml; \
>>> +		echo "directory = \"../$@-vendor\"" >> $(UNPACK_DIR)/.cargo/config.toml; \
>>> +		echo "Using cargo vendor archive for $(UNPACK_DIR)"; \
>>> +	fi;
>>> -- 
>>> 2.28.0
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