[vlc-devel] [PATCH] record: use vlc_mkstemp instead of tempnam

Lyndon Brown jnqnfe at gmail.com
Sun Sep 27 22:30:20 CEST 2020

attached. preview:

From: Lyndon Brown <jnqnfe at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 14:31:38 +0000
Subject: record: use vlc_mkstemp instead of tempnam

resolves compile warning about insecure function

diff --git a/modules/stream_out/record.c b/modules/stream_out/record.c
index ce2ce958e7..f205c610f6 100644
--- a/modules/stream_out/record.c
+++ b/modules/stream_out/record.c
@@ -465,10 +465,20 @@ static void OutputStart( sout_stream_t *p_stream )
             char *psz_file;
             int i_es;
-            psz_file = tempnam( NULL, "vlc" );
+            psz_file = strdup( DIR_SEP"tmp"DIR_SEP"vlc-recording.XXXXXX" );
             if( !psz_file )
+            int fd = vlc_mkstemp( psz_file );
+            if( fd == -1 )
+                continue;
+            /* FIXME: unlink after creation, we only want to create it here,
+               not hold it open since sout takes a path to open not an FD of
+               an already open file */
+            vlc_unlink( psz_file );
             msg_Dbg( p_stream, "probing muxer %s", ppsz_muxers[i][0] );
             i_es = OutputNew( p_stream, ppsz_muxers[i][0], psz_file, NULL );
-------------- next part --------------
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