[vlc-devel] [PATCH] [RFC] youtube.lua: read more available formats from the webpage

Pierre Ynard linkfanel at yahoo.fr
Tue Sep 29 12:55:25 CEST 2020

> It seems that "formats" is only providing 2 basic versions of the
> video in H264 in my tests: 720p and 360p
> (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISJMsVhY5Yk or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISJMsVhY5Yk)

Same URL twice

The attached patch indeed causes a video-only very HD video to be
played, without sound.

This is a known limitation: https://trac.videolan.org/vlc/ticket/10237

The adaptiveFormats field does provide a much wider range of available
formats, that are video-only or audio-only and not directly usable. I
guess that even with the current API, we could pick one of each and play
them both using an input-slave option, but that means potential for
synchronization and playback issues that we avoid with a single muxed
stream, and twice the network responsiveness issues - all the more that
these HD streams will be more demanding on the network and more likely
to cause lag, buffering and stalls. These are reasons why I haven't
pursued it.

> "adaptiveFormats" provide a lot more formats, including 8K AV1 ones.
> That may cause some problems as the hardware may not be able to decode
> such streams. We're probably missing some more refinements to select
> the best resolution/bitrate that the hardware can handle.

When --preferred-resolution was introduced, it was expected to be
a non-issue most of the time, as 1080p streams weren't too widely
available and it was expected that the average setup would be able to
play the highest resolution available in most cases. The default setting
was and still is to pick the highest resolution available.

Now we're talking about putting VLC in a situation where the average
setup might be challenged by default. We can change the default to limit
at 1080p for example, or add hardware detection magic, but ultimately
options that are tucked away in a corner of the advanced preferences
might not be an acceptable answer. Which leads to...

> I would assume that's something adaptive streaming is best suited to
> take care of. So maybe the Youtube script should return an adaptive
> manifest and let the adaptive code take care of it ? Is that even
> possible ?

Maybe we should have something like that, if it works fine; if it was
less reliable than muxed streams then there would be a trade-off to
doing that. But I think we'd also need a UI component to control this
adaptive resolution (or even enable it).

I don't know based on what the adaptive demux currently adapts the
resolution. I know it supports a bunch of quality settings; however it
ignores --preferred-resolution (#21828), which doesn't help these things
coexist and is a current UX bug with YouTube live streams - and also
with Dailymotion which switched exclusively to adaptive manifests. An
easy first step would be to fix what we already have.

Have you tried picking a pair of audio-only and video-only YouTube
stream URLs and writing by hand a sample adaptive manifest file, and
having VLC play it? How does that work?

Pierre Ynard
"Une âme dans un corps, c'est comme un dessin sur une feuille de papier."

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