[vlc-devel] [vlc-commits] ytdl: improve format selection

Pierre Ynard linkfanel at yahoo.fr
Wed Sep 30 08:17:31 CEST 2020

> Also do these streams provide both audio and video in a single
> stream ? From my own tests in Lua it seems most fancy formats only
> have either audio or video but not both (including testing with
> youtube-dl -F). This makes the whole script very limited, at least for
> YouTube.

As you can see, the format selection has code to reject audio-only or
video-only streams. It will use --preferred-resolution to pick one
audio+video muxed stream among the same set as youtube.lua. It's not
that limited since it does the same job as the current youtube.lua
script, and in some corner cases better.

Pierre Ynard
"Une âme dans un corps, c'est comme un dessin sur une feuille de papier."

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