[vlc-devel] [PATCH 11/18] input: use vlc_viewpoint_from/to_euler
Steve Lhomme
robux4 at ycbcr.xyz
Fri Apr 2 06:29:05 UTC 2021
Thanks for the clear explanation. I learned a lot.
The bit I was missing is that it's only for relative updates, which
narrows the issue, especially with the clipping. However from what I
understood converting to quaternion then to Euler is not lossless:
"When you convert this into quaternion, you basically convert this into
a single orientation vector and a single roll value."
When converting back to Euler:
"there´s an infinity of matching yaw/pitch (all actually) that alias
this point."
Moving to quaternion internally as done in patch 18 seems the way to go.
But then why do we keep using Euler in the input updates ? It's not
possible to add angles in quaternions ? Even with helper functions ?
And I think because of that the problem with clipping remains. If the
source has a pitch of 90 *on purpose* to remove one degree of freedom,
when we update just the yaw/roll value, we will convert the stored 90
into 85 and then we write it back to the viewpoint that will be used. On
top of that, the clipping is done on an absolute value and not a
relative value (rare, it's unlikely one is going to move by 90 degree in
one step). That absolute value may be common.
On 2021-04-01 16:15, Alexandre Janniaux wrote:
> Hi,
> Let´s start again on a more consistent explanation:
> 1/ what is gimbal lock
> 2/ why this is needed
> I´ll start with the explanation you read from SO:
>> "Euler Angles" you can think of as a function (S1)3→SO3
>> or R3→SO3. The derivative of this function does not always
>> have rank 3, so you have degenerate submanifolds where the
>> function is many-to-one. In this special case that's
>> called "gimbal lock".
> A more direct explanation is to reference Polar Coordinates
> because it´s a well known engineering concept. Without being
> formal:
> All point in space with a given origin can be described by
> it´s radius and the yaw/pitch angles, and this representation
> is unique except for the origin point.
> In this representation, for the origin. the radius is 0, but
> there´s an infinity of matching yaw/pitch (all actually) that
> alias this point.
> This example is interesting for two reasons:
> - if you don´t need the radius, ie if you only want direction
> and orientation (or just orientation vector/eye vector),
> then you only need yaw and pitch.
> - it shows what is the concept of aliasing.
> When you get back to the Euler angles, it´s basically made
> of three distinct rotation. If you take our usual rotation
> order convention, and look up or down (+- 90°), then the
> rotation axis for yaw and roll are matching, so you also
> have an infinity of possible rotation (you can increase yaw
> as much as you want as long as you compensate with the roll
> value basically).
> When you convert this into quaternion, you basically convert
> this into a single orientation vector and a single roll value
> which, as opposed to Euler angles, are able to uniquely
> identify every orientation possible.
> When you convert back from quaternion into Euler angles, you
> thus have an infinite number of representation possible for
> the Euler angles, making it unusable for computation. What it
> means exactly is that if you get too close to that point, the
> yaw/roll will become totally different from what you had
> previously, so when you get out of this point, you´ll have
> your head turn (like if you changed roll) and not be aligned
> with your front (like if you changed yaw), much like the
> polar situation where (0, 10, 20) is the same point as
> (0, 1, 20), ie. where shrinking to 0 make you lose your
> orientation.
> So now, you could mathematically come as close as possible
> to these singularity points, but with floating points it
> basically means that the closer you are to this point, the
> bigger the errors you make. You can draw a mathematical
> limit by saying «I don´t want to go over some specified
> error» but tbh, computing this is far from being in my
> skillset (and it´s painful, takes a lot of time, just for
> some specified value) so I cannot do that. You won´t have
> a closed limit that you can use here, just like you cannot
> approximate 1/x with x as low as you want on computers with
> just a single fixed-size representation.
> So yes, this approximate the relative updates to preserve
> the Euler angles values when they are represented as
> quaternion. This is done like this because the hotkeys and
> inputs are doing relative updates at first, but there´s no
> approximation if you´re doing absolute updates. Basically
> if you want to do relative updates of the yaw/pitch/roll
> values, you need to keep the yaw/pitch/roll values and
> regenerate the whole result. That´s what I mean behind:
>> Since hotkeys and input were not handling the problem themselves
>> and were supplying relative transformation, such relative rotations
>> are clipped to avoid the poles.
> And thus the final solution is to keep them as absolute.
> Said otherwise, the yaw/pitch/roll paradigm only makes sense
> in places where you actually have a yaw/pitch/roll. When
> you´re not (eg. an HMD headset, in which it doesn´t exist
> since you cannot match the reality with the point space
> since you cannot name the north and south points), then you
> shouldn´t use that paradigm. Thus, the patchset basically use
> a more generic orientation mechanism for the core and does
> the bare minimum to keep the current experience.
> Then, you mentioned that I didn´t answer your question about
> HMD headsets. What you describe is _exactly_ why I made this
> patchset, and it´s pretty straightforward with all this
> background and just the «data»:
> - conversion between Euler angles lead to singularities
> - HMD headset are generating quaternions
> - if you need Euler angle in the core, you need to convert
> the quaternions into Euler angles
> - thus, you have singularities and cannot look at the top
> or bottom without exceptional seasickness afterwards.
> In a more general fashion, like mentioned above, you also
> need to match the reality with the orientation system you
> use and reality doesn´t use Euler angles, only engineers
> are.
> And finally, there´s basically 12 different possibles
> rotation system that you can create with Euler angles (with
> different poles). So there are points that are unique at
> some coordinates in one systems but aren´t in another system,
> so rotations are a bit more tricky than just angles.
> Euler angle systems are also pretty inconvenient when you
> want to convert between systems (like, from the mp4-specified
> coordinate system to another that would be more convenient
> for the end user). To do that, you basically need an
> intermediate representation that is sufficiently non-biased
> to represent the orientation, which basically means quaternion
> or any other isomorphism. So having quaternion in the core
> for representation of the orientation is much more convenient
> than Euler angles.
> I hope it answers both your questions on the nature of the
> value and the reasons behind using quaternions here. In the
> meantime, I reviewed some comments with Romain, which were
> wrong (V_13/31 shift) and the case for handling the
> singularity didn´t match the computations in the comments and
> were incorrect, so I´m fixing those.
> Regards,
> --
> Alexandre Janniaux
> Videolabs
> On Thu, Apr 01, 2021 at 02:19:03PM +0200, Steve Lhomme wrote:
>> On 2021-04-01 13:24, Alexandre Janniaux wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Thu, Apr 01, 2021 at 12:45:35PM +0200, Steve Lhomme wrote:
>>>> On 2021-04-01 10:51, Alexandre Janniaux wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> On Thu, Apr 01, 2021 at 08:02:10AM +0200, Steve Lhomme wrote:
>>>>>> On 2021-03-31 11:25, Alexandre Janniaux wrote:
>>>>>>> From: Alexandre Janniaux <alexandre.janniaux at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> ... and also clip pitch to avoid singularities in locations where a
>>>>>> It looks like a commit title that was cut by GitHub.
>>>>> Not really, github doesn´t wrap at 38 characters. I just
>>>>> didn´t duplicate the short commit message because it brings
>>>>> no value here.
>>>>>>> relative viewpoint update is used. Otherwise, conversions between
>>>>>>> viewpoints and euler angles might lead to corrupted values and blinking
>>>>>>> pitch angles.
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> src/input/input.c | 22 ++++++++++++++++++----
>>>>>>> 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
>>>>>>> diff --git a/src/input/input.c b/src/input/input.c
>>>>>>> index 69552bc3e5..b134d4f097 100644
>>>>>>> --- a/src/input/input.c
>>>>>>> +++ b/src/input/input.c
>>>>>>> @@ -1758,6 +1758,10 @@ static void ControlNav( input_thread_t *p_input, int i_type )
>>>>>>> if( b_viewpoint_ch && viewpoint_updated )
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> + /* We need to clip the pitch here to avoid singularity poles, otherwise
>>>>>>> + * the next vlc_viewpoint_to_euler might reverse the pitch. */
>>>>>>> + pitch = VLC_CLIP(pitch, -85.f, 85.f);
>>>>>> These arbitrary values should have a name. And why not use -90, 90 ? In
>>>>>> Matroska you can have pitch values of -90 to 90, both included. Same for MP4
>>>>>> [1]. Does a pitch of 270 turns to 85 ?
>>>>>> [1] https://github.com/google/spatial-media/blob/master/docs/spherical-video-v2-rfc.md
>>>>> They are arbitrary values, so well, it´s quite hard to name them.
>>>> If they are used there must be a reason, that reason should be in the name.
>>>>> They are basically the closest values to the singularity points
>>>>> where conversion to/from euler angles doesn´t explode. This is
>>>>> explained in the description of the commit.
>>>> I see an explanation on possible consequences, why 85 is the proper value.
>>>> In fact I doubt it's a proper value. 90 sounds more like it would be a
>>>> mathematical limit. But then this value should be checked when the math will
>>>> fail, not on any incoming values.
>>> Because that´s explained in the comment above, and that´s a
>>> hand-tested value obtained by checking when the math fails.
>> That sounds very suspicious. Either it's a mathematical limitation and then
>> there should be a formula to get the actual value or it's an implementation
>> detail and should be explained as such.
>>> I can use an additional MAX_PITCH/MIN_PITCH constant but even
>>> then this value depends on the rotation convention used in the
>>> computation so it doesn´t even directly make sense except for
>>> the sake of giving a name.
>> If giving a name to a value makes less sense, there is a problem.
>>>> More generally you are preventing the input from going to 90 degrees pitch
>>>> which might be the user's intention. If the quaternions can't handle such a
>>>> position then I don't see any use for them. If they do, this clipping should
>>>> not happen at all.
>>> You don´t understand the issue here, quaternions can represent this
>>> orientation. But Euler angles (and Euler quaternions by isomorphism)
>>> cannot and never could [1].
>> Indeed, I don't understand. You're saying a value of 90 cannot be converted
>> to quarternion even though it does exist in Euler (see spherical videos
>> specs above), and even if the value can be represented in quaternion.
>>> The issue happens in situation where you actually do conversion from
>>> and to euler angles.
>>> [1]: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/8980/euler-angles-and-gimbal-lock#8984
>> You lost me at "degenerate submanifolds". I do understand any of this text.
>>>> If you have a headset/HMD and you move your head up, do you think it's a
>>>> good idea to stop following the movement if it goes above 85 degrees
>>>> vertically ? And then restart moving the image when it's over 95 degrees ?
>>> I refer you to the cover letter:
>>> Euler angles have singularity issues, which in the convention
>>> we chosed happens at the north and south poles. It didn't matter
>>> when using usual yaw/pitch controllers since there are not a lot
>>> of way to do this, but it definitively matters when the orientation
>>> is already described by a quaternion. In particular, phone devices
>>> or HMD headset with gyroscopes can easily reach the north and south
>>> poles while having a different roll-like rotation, so can trigger
>>> those bugs.
>>> Using quaternions from the start won't trigger those issues in
>>> cases where the control is not done through the euler-angle-like
>>> paradigm, while still allowing clients to use it as long as they
>>> handle the problem themselves.
>>> Since hotkeys and input were not handling the problem themselves
>>> and were supplying relative transformation, such relative rotations
>>> are clipped to avoid the poles.
>> I read that. That still doesn't answer my question. From what I understand
>> you want to use quaternions when doing the math to add new angles to the
>> viewpoint to avoid the gimbal lock. But that doesn't say why doing so needs
>> to clip the input values we can change at a time. It seems like we're
>> replacing one limitation by another.
>>>>> We can support pitch with singularity values only if there is no
>>>>> singularities, meaning only if we don´t have roll, but it would
>>>>> mean that we´d have multiple conversion function for the two
>>>>> convention used and flag to indicate which convention is in use.
>>>>> Note also that this is the input code for handling controls and
>>>>> for relative updates of the viewpoint, so it has nothing to do
>>>>> immediately with the original pose. It´s also converting from
>>>>> Euler quaternions so initial pitch values don´t really make
>>>>> sense at this point, a pitch of 270 doesn´t exist in this
>>>>> convention since it would alias other pitch/yaw values.
>>>>> This patch does change the previous behaviour, since previous
>>>>> behaviour was not clipped. But because there was no conversion
>>>>> before it could just work as long as the user didn´t change roll.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> --
>>>>> Alexandre Janniaux
>>>>> Videolabs
>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>> priv->viewpoint_changed = true;
>>>>>>> vlc_viewpoint_from_euler( &priv->viewpoint, yaw, pitch, roll );
>>>>>>> ViewpointApply( p_input );
>>>>>>> @@ -2148,10 +2152,20 @@ static bool Control( input_thread_t *p_input,
>>>>>>> else
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> priv->viewpoint_changed = true;
>>>>>>> - priv->viewpoint.yaw += param.viewpoint.yaw;
>>>>>>> - priv->viewpoint.pitch += param.viewpoint.pitch;
>>>>>>> - priv->viewpoint.roll += param.viewpoint.roll;
>>>>>>> - priv->viewpoint.fov += param.viewpoint.fov;
>>>>>>> + float previous[3], update[3];
>>>>>>> + vlc_viewpoint_to_euler(&priv->viewpoint, &previous[0],
>>>>>>> + &previous[1], &previous[2]);
>>>>>>> + vlc_viewpoint_to_euler(¶m.viewpoint, &update[0],
>>>>>>> + &update[1], &update[2]);
>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>> + /* We need to clip the pitch here to avoid singularity poles,
>>>>>>> + * otherwise the next vlc_viewpoint_to_euler might reverse
>>>>>>> + * the pitch. */
>>>>>>> + vlc_viewpoint_from_euler(&priv->viewpoint,
>>>>>>> + previous[0] + update[0],
>>>>>>> + VLC_CLIP(previous[1] + update[1], -85.f, 85.f),
>>>>>>> + previous[2] + update[2]);
>>>>>>> + priv->viewpoint.fov += param.viewpoint.fov;
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> ViewpointApply( p_input );
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> 2.31.0
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