[vlc-devel] [PATCH 09/25] qml: allow different positioning of text in ControlBar
Prince Gupta
guptaprince8832 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 09:16:17 UTC 2021
modules/gui/qt/player/qml/ControlBar.qml | 144 +++++++++++++++++------
modules/gui/qt/player/qml/Player.qml | 4 +-
2 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
diff --git a/modules/gui/qt/player/qml/ControlBar.qml b/modules/gui/qt/player/qml/ControlBar.qml
index 52dcf9129c..cbf00ab26b 100644
--- a/modules/gui/qt/player/qml/ControlBar.qml
+++ b/modules/gui/qt/player/qml/ControlBar.qml
@@ -31,8 +31,16 @@ import "qrc:///playlist/" as PL
Widgets.NavigableFocusScope {
id: root
+ enum TimeTextPosition {
+ Hide,
+ AboveSlider,
+ LeftRightSlider
+ }
signal showTrackBar()
+ readonly property alias sliderY: row2.y
+ property int textPosition: ControlBar.TimeTextPosition.AboveSlider
property VLCColors colors: VLCStyle.nightColors
property bool autoHide: _lockAutoHide === 0 && !lockAutoHide
property bool lockAutoHide: false
@@ -46,54 +54,76 @@ Widgets.NavigableFocusScope {
implicitHeight: columnLayout.implicitHeight
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ // if initially textPosition = Hide, then _onTextPositionChanged isn't called
+ if (textPosition === ControlBar.TimeTextPosition.Hide)
+ _layout()
+ }
+ onTextPositionChanged: _layout()
+ function _layout() {
+ trackPositionSlider.visible = true
+ mediaTime.visible = true
+ mediaRemainingTime.visible = true
+ mediaTime.font.pixelSize = VLCStyle.fontSize_normal
+ mediaRemainingTime.font.pixelSize = VLCStyle.fontSize_normal
+ row2.Layout.leftMargin = 0
+ row2.Layout.rightMargin = 0
+ switch (textPosition) {
+ case ControlBar.TimeTextPosition.Hide:
+ row1.children = []
+ row2.children = [trackPositionSlider]
+ mediaTime.visible = false
+ mediaRemainingTime.visible = false
+ break;
+ case ControlBar.TimeTextPosition.AboveSlider:
+ var spacer = Qt.createQmlObject("import QtQuick 2.11; Item {}", row1, "ControlBar")
+ row1.children = [mediaTime, spacer, mediaRemainingTime]
+ spacer.Layout.fillWidth = true
+ row2.children = [trackPositionSlider]
+ break;
+ case ControlBar.TimeTextPosition.LeftRightSlider:
+ row1.children = []
+ row2.children = [mediaTime, trackPositionSlider, mediaRemainingTime]
+ row2.Layout.leftMargin = VLCStyle.margin_xsmall
+ row2.Layout.rightMargin = VLCStyle.margin_xsmall
+ mediaTime.font.pixelSize = VLCStyle.fontSize_small
+ mediaRemainingTime.font.pixelSize = VLCStyle.fontSize_small
+ trackPositionSlider.Layout.alignment = Qt.AlignVCenter
+ break;
+ default:
+ console.assert(false, "invalid text position")
+ }
+ trackPositionSlider.Layout.fillWidth = true
+ row1.visible = row1.children.length > 0
+ row2.visible = row2.children.length > 0
+ }
ColumnLayout {
id: columnLayout
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: VLCStyle.margin_small
RowLayout {
+ id: row1
+ spacing: 0
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.leftMargin: VLCStyle.margin_normal
Layout.rightMargin: VLCStyle.margin_normal
- Label {
- text: player.time.toString()
- color: root.colors.playerFg
- font.pixelSize: VLCStyle.fontSize_normal
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
- }
- Item {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
- Label {
- text: (mainInterface.showRemainingTime && player.remainingTime.valid())
- ? "-" + player.remainingTime.toString()
- : player.length.toString()
- color: root.colors.playerFg
- font.pixelSize: VLCStyle.fontSize_normal
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked: mainInterface.showRemainingTime = !mainInterface.showRemainingTime
- }
- }
- SliderBar {
- id: trackPositionSlider
- backgroundColor: Qt.lighter(colors.playerBg, 1.6180)
- progressBarColor: activeFocus ? colors.accent : colors.playerControlBarFg
- barHeight: VLCStyle.heightBar_xxsmall
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- enabled: player.playingState == PlayerController.PLAYING_STATE_PLAYING || player.playingState == PlayerController.PLAYING_STATE_PAUSED
- Keys.onDownPressed: playerButtonsLayout.focus = true
- parentWindow: g_root
+ RowLayout {
+ id: row2
- colors: root.colors
+ spacing: VLCStyle.margin_xsmall
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
Item {
@@ -123,6 +153,46 @@ Widgets.NavigableFocusScope {
+ Label {
+ id: mediaTime
+ visible: false
+ text: player.time.toString()
+ color: root.colors.playerFg
+ font.pixelSize: VLCStyle.fontSize_normal
+ }
+ Label {
+ id: mediaRemainingTime
+ visible: false
+ text: (mainInterface.showRemainingTime && player.remainingTime.valid())
+ ? "-" + player.remainingTime.toString()
+ : player.length.toString()
+ color: root.colors.playerFg
+ font.pixelSize: VLCStyle.fontSize_normal
+ MouseArea {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: mainInterface.showRemainingTime = !mainInterface.showRemainingTime
+ }
+ }
+ SliderBar {
+ id: trackPositionSlider
+ visible: false
+ backgroundColor: Qt.lighter(colors.playerBg, 1.6180)
+ progressBarColor: activeFocus ? colors.accent : colors.playerControlBarFg
+ barHeight: VLCStyle.heightBar_xxsmall
+ enabled: player.playingState == PlayerController.PLAYING_STATE_PLAYING || player.playingState == PlayerController.PLAYING_STATE_PAUSED
+ parentWindow: g_root
+ colors: root.colors
+ Keys.onDownPressed: playerButtonsLayout.focus = true
+ }
mainCtx: mainctx
diff --git a/modules/gui/qt/player/qml/Player.qml b/modules/gui/qt/player/qml/Player.qml
index d07baf625e..b538eba9f3 100644
--- a/modules/gui/qt/player/qml/Player.qml
+++ b/modules/gui/qt/player/qml/Player.qml
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Widgets.NavigableFocusScope {
property var _menu: undefined
property bool hasEmbededVideo: mainInterface.hasEmbededVideo
- readonly property int positionSliderY: controlBarView.y + VLCStyle.fontHeight_normal + VLCStyle.margin_small
+ readonly property int positionSliderY: controlBarView.y + controlBarView.sliderY
readonly property string coverSource: (mainPlaylistController.currentItem.artwork && mainPlaylistController.currentItem.artwork.toString())
? mainPlaylistController.currentItem.artwork
: VLCStyle.noArtCover
@@ -419,6 +419,7 @@ Widgets.NavigableFocusScope {
id: controlBarView
property var autoHide: controlBarView.contentItem.autoHide
+ readonly property int sliderY: contentItem.sliderY
anchors {
bottom: parent.bottom
@@ -433,6 +434,7 @@ Widgets.NavigableFocusScope {
id: controllerMouseArea
property alias autoHide: controllerId.autoHide
+ readonly property alias sliderY: controllerId.sliderY
height: controllerId.implicitHeight + controllerId.anchors.bottomMargin
width: controlBarView.width
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