[vlc-devel] Hot keys to log timestamp parts of video

John Hammer dev54335 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 5 18:01:11 UTC 2022

   I want to retrieve the start and end timestamp of parts of the video for
post-processing with an external program. Since Lua extension does not
support keybindings, I have decided to modify the source code. I could
compile the 3.x branch and debug the qt module interface. It looks like
this in the keypress event callbacks of this module is where the code to
log the timestamps should go.

    Am I on the right track on implementing this feature or is there any
other way?

   I also would like to color the areas on the time slider where the start
and end timestamps occurred. I have no idea how to achieve this. Any
suggestions on which module to be changed to achieve this?

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