[vlc-devel] GSoC idea preliminary feedback - Develop a MPD server inside VLC

Akram Ansari mohdakram.ansari at ucalgary.ca
Wed Mar 22 07:16:46 UTC 2023

Dear VideoLAN community,

I found the idea - "Develop a MPD server inside VLC", intruiging and relevant to my experience under the GSoC program. I was looking for early feedback before starting the GSoC application on whether I am a right fit for the work.

About Me:
I am a computer science research student at the University of Calgary working on DASH streaming with one of my research [1] accepted in ACM MMSys 2023 conference. Recently I developed a complete video streaming player in python tailored for R&D supporting - DASH, HLS, live streaming, 360 degree videos and playback using OpenGL. A paper explaining the player is currently under review in NOSSDAV 2023<https://dl.acm.org/conference/nossdav>. I also have contributed to a relevant project (iStream) which is a video streaming framework for distributed video streaming experiments.

[1] TASQ: Temporal Adaptive Streaming over Quic.To be presented in Proceedings of the 14th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 98–109.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,
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