Inverted color/mask in subtitles

Stepan Roh stepan at
Fri Aug 24 23:20:37 CEST 2001

Vlc inverts subtitles color and mask for subtitles on DVD "Blade".
Whenever subtitle is shown, screen goes white and I can see movie only
through subtitle. This is possibly related to TODO:

Task: 0x51
Difficulty: Easy
Urgency: Normal
Description: Better subtitle color handling
 The subtitle palette is pretty ugly for the moment, since we don't parse
 the color information. Find it in the IFO file and pass the information to
 the video output.
Status: Todo

Maybe I'll take a look on it, but DVD is borrowed and I want to see it
first (without subtitles :-().

Have a nice day.

Stepan Roh

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