SCSI DVD Drive and MacOSX

Diedrich Vorberg diedrich at
Sat Dec 8 02:19:01 CET 2001


I am trying to watch DVDs on my new G4. I did own a SCSI DVD drive
before, so I didn't have one built in when I ordered it. Unfortunately
vcl gives me this error message:

libdvdcss error: css error: ioctl_ReadCopyright failed, make sure there is a DVD in the drive, and that DVD ioctls were compiled in this libdvdcss version
libdvdcss error: CSS test failed

when I try to start it. It seams that Darwin's DVD driver does not
provide the required functionality. Is that correct? The drive itself
works and I can access the files on it. Isn't that enough to play

Regards Diedrich

           _..._                            Diedrich Vorberg
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