vlc not working

Ben Gardella ben at transvirtual.com
Thu Jan 25 22:18:18 CET 2001

Ok. Got a real mpeg 2 file, entitled egypt.vob

Client can play it no problem.  Server seems to pick it up and then be 
done with it.

This is what I do:

vlms -d ~/video/egypt.vob

which returns:

First byte is 0x00 - assuming PS/PES stream
Found a PTS - entering main loop
Found MPEG video stream at 0xe0, allocating PID 0x20
Found MPEG private (AC3 audio) stream at 0x80, allocating PID 0x80
Synchro Initialisation : wait for PCR ...
Network Loop started

Later it will return:

end of PS file

But before it does I start the client:

vlc --server --port 9999

and it waits for a stream.

Why doesn't it connect to the server and play the file?

Henri Fallon wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 25, 2001, Ben Gardella wrote:
>> vlc projects/video/streams/starwars.mpg
> Are you sure it's a mpeg 2 file ? Usually they are not named .mpg
>> vlms -d localhost:9999 projects/video/streams/starwars.mpg
>> VideoLAN Mini Server - version 0.1.99h Onatopp - (c)1996-2000 VideoLAN
>> [ ... ]
>> end of PS file
> If it ends immediatly, you file may not be a mpeg 2 file, but an mpeg 1
> ( supported in the oncoming unstable version ).
> Moreover, the localhost host does not work wuth vlms+vlc, you must use
> either your IP address if you have one, or the dummy net module (in the
> kernel).

Ben Gardella

Transvitual Technologies, Inc.
Berkeley, California

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