bits and pieces

John Baker jbaker at
Tue Jul 10 15:14:56 CEST 2001


Does vlc have any 'statistics' to tell me how many frames per second it's 
drawing, etc? Also, does it have the aspect ratio setting stuff. I can'only 
seem to find default window sizes when running non-fullscreen? 

And finally, I've copiled a version with the --enable-kde option and I cant 
get any kind of kde interface. Also, vlc doesn't seem to save the current 
preferences anywhere. Should it? I've tried setting the default interface to 
kde (even though it isnt in the drop down menu - oddly enough the Gnome 
interface appears when it starts yet there is only gtk in the drop down 
menu!) and it seems to ignore me.


John (Happily just about watching dvds at work)

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