Multi screens

Luc Renambot renambot at
Fri Jul 27 19:14:39 CEST 2001

arnaud.duclaux at wrote:
> Hi,
> In order to display video on multi screen, I'd like to split the video output in
> 4 parts. Is it possible? How can I do?
> Thanks for the answer,
> Arnaud

I'm working towards something like that. The question is do you mind
several time the stream is parallel (one per display) and just display
correct part, or do you want to decode the stream only once and the send
the updates
to the correct screen ?

I did some tests, using the X11 output plugin for now, displaying the
video into a virtual world in OpenGL. The trick was to write the OpenGL
part as an interface, and using the X11 plugin to get the output. My
is to able to play movies within a VR world on a tiled-display
visualization setup). You can check that out at :

I tried to extract the main function from VLC to plug it in my
environment, but that part didn't work due to problem with
the differens threads.

Luc Renambot
Mail: renambot at  - Web :
There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. (L.C.)

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