[ANN] vlc 0.2.81

cdowns cdowns at skillsoft.com
Sat Jul 28 08:10:33 CEST 2001

any reason why it wont startup under slackware 8 ? just hangs on the
terminal and the X11 part does not some up, i have been runnning the prior
version fine i just use the vlc --yuv yuv & and it works great.. any
ideas ?



Samuel Hocevar wrote:

>    Sorry for this long month without a release, but holidays kept the
> VideoLAN team busy coding and it was hard to find the time to freeze
> everything in order to release. Here, at last, comes version 0.2.81 of
> vlc, with an astounding amount of bug fixes.
>    Major changes:
>   * New libdvdcss version; vlc now natively uses libdvdcss.
>   * Various performance enhancements, more than 10% on some platforms.
>   * LPCM support.
>   * MPEG video Elementary Stream support.
>   * DVD playback enhancements.
>   * Win32 DirectX enhancements and network support.
>   * QNX video and audio output support.
>   * Lots of bugfixes, as usual.
>    A few most annoying historical bugs have been fixed, among them:
>   * The "screen remains black" bug when using gcc 2.96 or gcc 3.0.
>   * The XFree "BadAccess" bug under FreeBSD and Solaris.
>   * The "X eats more and more CPU" bug.
>   * The "displayed time is wrong when playing a DVD" bug.
>    You can view the complete changelog for this release at
> http://www.videolan.org/vlc/changelog.html
>    You can download 0.2.81 via HTTP or FTP:
>       http://www.videolan.org/download.html
>       ftp://ftp.videolan.org/pub/videolan/0.2.81/
>    Binaries are available for Debian x86. Builds for other architectures
> and distributions are welcome and can be uploaded to our incoming
> directory:
>       ftp://ftp.videolan.org/incoming/
> For the VideoLAN team,
> Sam.
> --
> Samuel Hocevar <sam at zoy.org> <http://sam.zoy.org/>
> for DVDs in Linux screw the MPAA and ; do dig $DVDs.z.zoy.org ; done | \
>       perl -ne 's/\.//g; print pack("H224",$1) if(/^x([^z]*)/)' | gunzip

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