Bug Report...

Michael Lloyd Lee mlk at cyberspace.org
Tue Mar 6 12:15:00 CET 2001

I don't know if this is the right place to report it...

System Config:
BeOS (r5.01PE)
2x466C, Abit BP6, not overclocked.
Creative 5x Dr3 DVD (No hardware acc card) on ATA/66 chain, all alone,
	secondary master.
SoundBlaster AWE 64 ISA
Voodoo3 3000 g/c
Other stuff: WinTV PCI, NE2000 ISA, 250 ZIP disk (Primary slave, ATA/66),
	6.4gig h/d ATA/33 primary master, nastie WinModem.

While playing "The Matrix", the film will play fine (no sound sync
problem, relativly smooth) up to the first place the 'white rabbit' would
appaer (first fight squence, Trinty Vs. Police) then the sound would go
screw wiff, and the video will just stop. The sound would conniune,
(strangly) up to the end of the fight squence (before the jumping over
buildings) the video would play again, and the sound would return to
normal, but the sound will now be out of sync.

Also, while playing an unencripted DVD (12 Monkeys), the video and audio
will be very choppy, and playing other encripted DVD's the sound is neve
in sync.

Anyway, I hope that helps, and it's too the correct list :)



Michael Lloyd Lee 
EMail: mlk at grex.org
Mobile:	+44 (0) 7719 034860
Fax: +44 (0) 7092 172494
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