Bug Report...

Adam (StatiC) Gibson StatiC at Tampabay.RR.com
Tue Mar 6 15:55:08 CET 2001

I get the same problem at the same spot.  This has happens ever since I have been using vlc up to 0.2.63.

The video kinda pauses right where the first police officer gets hit(with his head back).  I can still hear the audio going, with the video still paused/stuck on that one frame with the officer.  about 30 seconds or so later(after the fight scene) the video syncs back up where trinity is on the phone and everything works great until the next scne that has a lot of fighting/movement(does not happen very often).  Kinda sucks to miss the major action scenes :)).

The error I see at the time of the video pausing is this:

"PES trashed - fifo full !"

NOTE: I have to use the --yuv yuv setting since the default(?) is yuvmmx which does not seem to work(as explained in the faq).

RedHat 7.0
nvidia riva128
XFree86 4.0.1a
celery 566


On Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 12:24:19PM +0100, Samuel Hocevar wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 06, 2001, Michael Lloyd Lee wrote:
> > While playing "The Matrix", the film will play fine (no sound sync
> > problem, relativly smooth) up to the first place the 'white rabbit' would
> > appaer (first fight squence, Trinty Vs. Police) then the sound would go
> > screw wiff, and the video will just stop.
>    Are you using version 0.2.63 ? If not, then I suggest you upgrade and
> test again, since this looks like a previously fixed issue.
> > The sound would conniune, (strangly) up to the end of the fight
> > squence (before the jumping over buildings) the video would play
> > again, and the sound would return to normal, but the sound will now be
> > out of sync.
>    Does it resync afterwards ? It is supposed to get back in sync
> after a little while. Also, does skipping to a random place using the
> scrollbar help ?
> -- 
> Sam.

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