Can't compile vlc0.2.90

Samuel Hocevar sam at
Thu Oct 11 20:02:58 CEST 2001

On Thu, Oct 11, 2001, Chris Jensen wrote:

> idctaltivec.c: In function `idct_getfunctions':

   idctaltivec.c shouldn't be built for an x86 target. This is probably
caused by the CFLAGS variable you are setting. Don't try to be cleverer
than the configure script, it works fine with an empty $CFLAGS :-)

   Could you test this for me, and provide me with the output, please ?

   % echo 'void foo(){asm("vperm 0,1,2,3");}' > /tmp/foo.c
   % gcc -O3 /tmp/foo.c -o /tmp/foo.o
   % echo 'void bar(){asm volatile("vperm 0,1,2,3");}' > /tmp/bar.c
   % gcc -O3 /tmp/bar.c -o /tmp/bar.o


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