Fuzzy sounds in vlc (Sound Blaster Live)

Daniel Erat dan_erat at pobox.com
Wed Oct 17 02:08:48 CEST 2001

Just to get it out of the way beforehand, I have a Thunderbird 800, a
Pioneer 106s DVD drive, and a Creative Sound Blaster Live! Value sound
card.  I'm running the 2.4.9 kernel, and am using the emu10k1 drivers
from the kernel.  The vlc I'm using was compiled from CVS.

I'm having the same problem with sounds being fuzzy (getting clipped?)
that other people have reported previously in posts to this list.
Silent parts don't have any problems, but whenever there's sound in the
movie, there's a lot of background noise that shouldn't be there.

This isn't a problem in the other players I've tried (namely, ogle and
xine) or in any other sound-playing applications that I use.  I've tried
using the esd output plugin, lowering the VOLUME_DEFAULT value in
include/config.h to 256, and changing the output frequency in the
preferences, but none of these changes had any noticeable effects.

Is the source of this problem known?  If so, is there any work underway
to fix it?  If not, is there anything I can do to help find what is

I'd rather not have to switch back to the alsa drivers, since I've had
problems with the sound quality provided by the oss emulation modules,
but I'll give it a shot if anyone thinks there's a chance it might solve
the problem.

Thanks for the program!


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