vlc 0.3.0 build notes (linux)

Hans-Peter Jansen hpj at urpla.net
Tue Apr 9 17:08:09 CEST 2002

Hi VideoLAN-Team,

I'm happily watching your player evolving pretty fast!

Great work!

[using it on Linux 2.4.18-pre4 diskless to play plain vobs from the server]

A few notes to the build:
- liba52/libdvdcss version checks in configure would be helpful
- A note, that liba52 should be built with --enable-shared also

While playing vob's, typically started with
gnome-vlc vts_01_1.vob vts_01_2.vob vts_01_3.vob vts_01_4.vob vts_01_5.vob 
vts_01_6.vob vts_01_7.vob
I noticed some minor interception/scatchy noises on file border crossing.
It seems not to appear when playing directly from dvd?!? But anyways, I'm 
happy, b/c mplayer wasn't able to play more then one file in this scenario.

As Michael Flohr described, I've seen his strange fullscreen problem with 
alternate xvideo fs mode, but unlike him, exactly one time! Cannot reproduce 
it since ;)

IMO, the most disturbing thing left is letting the (KDE) screen saver 


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