vlc and OSS 2.0.0

David Legg David.Legg at legg.uklinux.net
Tue Mar 19 23:19:14 CET 2002

I have VideoLAN Client - version 0.2.92_2002-03-08 Ourumov - (C)1996-2001 VideoLAN.

Has anyone managed to get it working on Linux 2.4.17 with OSS sound V2.0.0?

All I get is clicks followed by very distorted sound.

My /var/log/messages file contains:

Mar 19 20:14:51 aldebaran kernel: Maestro: Output timeout
Mar 19 20:15:22 aldebaran last message repeated 61 times
Mar 19 20:15:36 aldebaran last message repeated 29 times

vlc dvd:/dev/hdc -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
produces all the following stuff.

It looks like a great DVD player. I just need to get sound going.
David Legg

VideoLAN Client - version 0.2.92_2002-03-18 Ourumov - (C)1996-2001 VideoLAN

intf: playlist initialized
intf: added `dvd:/dev/hdc' to playlist
module: checking built-in modules
module: new builtin module `es', ISO 13818-1 MPEG Elementary Stream 
input module
module: new builtin module `ps', ISO 13818-1 MPEG Program Stream input 
module: new builtin module `ts', ISO 13818-1 MPEG Transport Stream input 
module: new builtin module `memcpy', libc memcpy module
module: new builtin module `yuv', YUV transformations module
module: new builtin module `idct', IDCT module
module: new builtin module `idctclassic', classic IDCT module
module: new builtin module `motion', motion compensation module
module: new builtin module `imdct', AC3 IMDCT module
module: new builtin module `downmix', AC3 downmix module
module: new builtin module `mpeg_adec', Mpeg I layer 1/2 audio decoder
module: new builtin module `lpcm_adec', Linear PCM audio decoder
module: new builtin module `ac3_adec', Ac3 sofware decoder
module: new builtin module `mpeg_vdec', MPEG I/II video decoder module
module: new builtin module `memcpymmx', MMX memcpy module
module: new builtin module `yuvmmx', MMX YUV transformations module
module: new builtin module `idctmmx', MMX IDCT module
module: new builtin module `motionmmx', MMX motion compensation module
module: new builtin module `memcpymmxext', MMX EXT memcpy module
module: new builtin module `idctmmxext', MMX EXT IDCT module
module: new builtin module `motionmmxext', MMXEXT motion compensation module
module: new builtin module `memcpy3dn', 3D Now! memcpy module
module: new builtin module `imdct3dn', 3D Now! AC3 IMDCT module
module: new builtin module `downmix3dn', 3D Now! AC3 downmix module
module: new builtin module `imdctsse', SSE AC3 IMDCT module
module: new builtin module `downmixsse', SSE AC3 downmix module
module: new builtin module `dvd', DVD input module, linked with libdvdcss
module: new builtin module `dvdread', DVD input module, linked with 
module: new builtin module `vcd', basic VCD input module
module: new builtin module `dummy', dummy functions module
module: new builtin module `null', the Null module that does nothing
module: new builtin module `rc', remote control interface module
module: new builtin module `xvideo', XVideo extension module
module: checking plugin modules
module: browsing `.'
module warning: cannot find symbol InitModule in module ./ui_curses.so 
(./ui_curses.so: undefined symbol: InitModule)
module warning: cannot find symbol InitModule in module ./ui_X.so 
(./ui_X.so: undefined symbol: InitModule)
module: browsing `plugins'
module: browsing `/usr/local/lib/videolan/vlc'
module: new plugin module `dsp', Linux OSS /dev/dsp module
module: new plugin module `gtk', Gtk+ interface module
module: new plugin module `x11', X11 module
module: new plugin module `ac3_spdif', Ac3 SPDIF decoder for AC3 
module: new plugin module `spu_dec', subtitles decoder module
module: module bank initialized
module: memcpy3dn has score 0
module: memcpymmxext has score 0
module: memcpymmx has score 100
module: memcpy has score 50
module: locking module `memcpymmx'
module: gtk has score 90
module: rc has score 20
module: dummy has score 1
module: locking module `gtk'
intf: interface initialized
input: playlist item `dvd:/dev/hdc'
thread info: 1026 (input) has been created ((null):0)
module: dummy has score 1
module: vcd has score 5
module: dvdread has score 5
module: dvd has score 100
module: ts has score 2
module: ps has score 10
module: es has score 5
module: locking module `dvd'
input: dvd=/dev/hdc raw=
ifo info: vmg initialized
dvd info: number of titles: 5
ifo info: vts 1 initialized
dvd: title 1 vts_title 1 pgc 1
dvd info: title: 1
     vobstart at: 287292 blocks
     stream size: 2551955 blocks
     number of chapters: 28
     number of angles: 5
dvd info: video
     compression: mpeg-2
     tv system: pal 625/50 Hz
     aspect ratio: 16:9
     display mode: letterboxed
     source res: 720x480 ntsc or 720x576 pal
     letterboxed: no
     mode: camera
module: spu_dec has score 0
module: ac3_spdif has score 0
module: mpeg_vdec has score 50
module: ac3_adec has score 0
module: lpcm_adec has score 0
module: mpeg_adec has score 0
module: locking module `mpeg_vdec'
module: motionmmxext has score 0
module: motionmmx has score 150
module: motion has score 50
module: locking module `motionmmx'
module: idctmmxext has score 0
module: idctmmx has score 150
module: idctclassic has score 100
module: idct has score 50
module: locking module `idctmmx'
thread info: 2051 (decoder) has been created ((null):0)
dvd info: audio 1
     language: English
     mode: ac3
     channel(s): 6
     sampling: 48000 Hz
     appl_mode: not specified
     quantization: drc
     status: 0
dvd info: audio 2
     language: Deutsch
     mode: ac3
     channel(s): 6
     sampling: 48000 Hz
     appl_mode: not specified
     quantization: drc
     status: 1
dvd info: audio 3
     language: English
     mode: ac3
     channel(s): 2
     sampling: 48000 Hz
     appl_mode: not specified
     quantization: drc
     status: 2
dvd info: spu 1
     caption: 0
     language: English
     prefix: 100
     status: 4:3 0 wide 0 letter 0 pan 0
dvd info: spu 2
     caption: 0
     language: Deutsch
     prefix: 100
     status: 4:3 0 wide 1 letter 1 pan 0
dvd info: spu 3
     caption: 0
     language: Nederlands
     prefix: 100
     status: 4:3 0 wide 2 letter 2 pan 0
dvd info: spu 4
     caption: 0
     language: *Polish
     prefix: 100
     status: 4:3 0 wide 3 letter 3 pan 0
dvd info: spu 5
     caption: 0
     language: *Czech(Ceske)
     prefix: 100
     status: 4:3 0 wide 4 letter 4 pan 0
dvd info: spu 6
     caption: 0
     language: Magyar
     prefix: 100
     status: 4:3 0 wide 5 letter 5 pan 0
dvd info: spu 7
     caption: 0
     language: Islenska
     prefix: 100
     status: 4:3 0 wide 6 letter 6 pan 0
dvd info: spu 8
     caption: 0
     language: *Hindi
     prefix: 100
     status: 4:3 0 wide 7 letter 7 pan 0
dvd info: spu 9
     caption: 0
     language: *Hebrew
     prefix: 100
     status: 4:3 0 wide 8 letter 8 pan 0
dvd info: spu 10
     caption: 0
     language: *Turkish
     prefix: 100
     status: 4:3 0 wide 9 letter 9 pan 0
dvd info: spu 11
     caption: 0
     language: Dansk
     prefix: 100
     status: 4:3 0 wide a letter a pan 0
dvd info: spu 12
     caption: 0
     language: Svenska
     prefix: 100
     status: 4:3 0 wide b letter b pan 0
dvd info: spu 13
     caption: 0
     language: Suomi
     prefix: 100
     status: 4:3 0 wide c letter c pan 0
dvd info: spu 14
     caption: 0
     language: Norsk
     prefix: 100
     status: 4:3 0 wide d letter d pan 0
dvd info: spu 15
     caption: 0
     language: *Greek
     prefix: 100
     status: 4:3 0 wide e letter e pan 0
dvd info: spu 16
     caption: 0
     language: Deutsch
     prefix: 100
     status: 4:3 0 wide f letter f pan 0
dvd info: spu 17
     caption: 0
     language: Nederlands
     prefix: 100
     status: 4:3 0 wide 10 letter 10 pan 0
module: spu_dec has score 0
module: ac3_spdif has score 0
module: mpeg_vdec has score 0
module: ac3_adec has score 50
module: lpcm_adec has score 0
module: mpeg_adec has score 0
module: locking module `ac3_adec'
module: downmixsse has score 0
module: downmix3dn has score 0
module: downmix has score 50
module: locking module `downmix'
module: imdctsse has score 0
module: imdct3dn has score 0
module: imdct has score 50
module: locking module `imdct'
thread info: 3076 (decoder) has been created ((null):0)
intf: stream has changed, refreshing interface
vpar: no vout present, spawning one
module: x11 has score 50
vout: GetXVideoPort found adaptor 0, port 46
   image format 0x32315659 (YV12) planar supported
  encoding list:
   id=0, name=XV_IMAGE, size=2048x2048, numerator=1, denominator=1
  attribute list:
   name=XV_SET_DEFAULTS, flags=[ set ], min=0, max=1
   name=XV_AUTOPAINT_COLORKEY, flags=[ get set ], min=0, max=1
   name=XV_COLORKEY, flags=[ get set ], min=0, max=-1
   name=XV_DOUBLE_BUFFER, flags=[ get set ], min=0, max=1
   name=XV_ENCODING, flags=[ get set ], min=0, max=12
   name=XV_FREQ, flags=[ get set ], min=0, max=-1
   name=XV_MUTE, flags=[ get set ], min=0, max=1
   name=XV_VOLUME, flags=[ get set ], min=1, max=127
   name=XV_HUE, flags=[ get set ], min=-1000, max=1000
   name=XV_BRIGHTNESS, flags=[ get set ], min=-1000, max=1000
   name=XV_SATURATION, flags=[ get set ], min=-1000, max=1000
   name=XV_COLOR, flags=[ get set ], min=-1000, max=1000
   name=XV_CONTRAST, flags=[ get set ], min=-1000, max=1000
module: xvideo has score 150
module: dummy has score 1
module: locking module `xvideo'
vout info: asking for 720x576, 15/16 bpp (1440 Bpl)
vout: GetXVideoPort found adaptor 0, port 46
   image format 0x32315659 (YV12) planar supported
  encoding list:
   id=0, name=XV_IMAGE, size=2048x2048, numerator=1, denominator=1
  attribute list:
   name=XV_SET_DEFAULTS, flags=[ set ], min=0, max=1
   name=XV_AUTOPAINT_COLORKEY, flags=[ get set ], min=0, max=1
   name=XV_COLORKEY, flags=[ get set ], min=0, max=-1
   name=XV_DOUBLE_BUFFER, flags=[ get set ], min=0, max=1
   name=XV_ENCODING, flags=[ get set ], min=0, max=12
   name=XV_FREQ, flags=[ get set ], min=0, max=-1
   name=XV_MUTE, flags=[ get set ], min=0, max=1
   name=XV_VOLUME, flags=[ get set ], min=1, max=127
   name=XV_HUE, flags=[ get set ], min=-1000, max=1000
   name=XV_BRIGHTNESS, flags=[ get set ], min=-1000, max=1000
   name=XV_SATURATION, flags=[ get set ], min=-1000, max=1000
   name=XV_COLOR, flags=[ get set ], min=-1000, max=1000
   name=XV_CONTRAST, flags=[ get set ], min=-1000, max=1000
aout: no aout present, spawning one
module: dsp has score 100
module: dummy has score 1
module: locking module `dsp'
aout info: signed 16 bits stereo thread
vout: video display initialized (720x576, 15/16 bpp)
vout info: got 720x576, 15/16 bpp (1440 Bpl), masks: 0x0/0x0/0x0
module: yuvmmx has score 100
module: yuv has score 50
module: locking module `yuvmmx'
thread info: 5126 (audio output) has been created ((null):0)
aout info: audio output thread 5616 spawned
aout info: fifo #0 allocated, 2 channels, rate 0
thread info: 4101 (video output) has been created ((null):0)
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from B[1] to B[2]
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from P[5] to P[4]
vpar synchro warning: dts != current_pts (-231280)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x81a41a0)
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from P[4] to P[3]

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