vlc and OSS 2.0.0

David Legg David.Legg at legg.uklinux.net
Thu Mar 21 23:09:59 CET 2002

Me again.
OK, I got the audio going by doing:

vlc dvd:/dev/hdc --aout_format 8 --rate 48000

This is a great improvement, but:

a) There seem to be rather a lot of drop-outs in the sound quality, and
b) the sound quality gets worse as you get further into a DVD.

My sound card is an ESS ES1978 Maestro 2E, but I don't know whether 
48000 is the right frequency to use; it just seemed to work better than 
any of the lower frequencies.

If I just have a performance problem, is there a way of giving priority 
to the sound processing part of vlc.

Incidentally, I had to switch off the a52 AC3 support when I did the 
./configure because it wouldn't compile with it in. I did ./configure 
--disable-a52. Does that matter? Could it be the cause of any audio or 
performance problems?

This is looking really good; just need to crack the sound quality problem!

David Legg

David Legg wrote:

> Hi again. I tried building today's version of vlc straight out of CVS, 
> but get just the same. I guess the OSS dsp plugin isn't compatible with 
> OSS V2.0.0.
> Here's the output from a vlc -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
> in case any of you guys have any idea what is amiss.
> Thanks, David Legg
> VideoLAN Client - version 0.2.92-dev_2002-03-20 Ourumov - (c) 1996-2002 
> VideoLAN
> module: checking built-in modules
> module: new builtin module `idct', IDCT module
> module: new builtin module `idctclassic', classic IDCT module
> module: new builtin module `motion', motion compensation module
> module: new builtin module `imdct', AC3 IMDCT module
> module: new builtin module `downmix', AC3 downmix module
> module: new builtin module `chroma_i420_rgb', I420,IYUV,YV12 to 
> RGB,RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 conversions
> module: new builtin module `chroma_i420_yuy2', conversions from 
> I420,IYUV,YV12 to YUY2,YUNV,YVYU,UYVY,UYNV,Y422,IUYV,cyuv,Y211
> module: new builtin module `chroma_i422_yuy2', conversions from I422 to 
> module: new builtin module `chroma_i420_ymga', conversions from 
> I420,IYUV,YV12 to YMGA
> module: new builtin module `mpeg_adec', Mpeg I layer 1/2 audio decoder
> module: new builtin module `ac3_adec', software AC3 decoder
> module: new builtin module `mpeg_vdec', MPEG I/II video decoder module
> module: new builtin module `memcpymmx', MMX memcpy module
> module: new builtin module `idctmmx', MMX IDCT module
> module: new builtin module `motionmmx', MMX motion compensation module
> module: new builtin module `chroma_i420_rgb_mmx', MMX I420,IYUV,YV12 to 
> RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 conversions
> module: new builtin module `chroma_i420_yuy2_mmx', MMX conversions from 
> module: new builtin module `chroma_i422_yuy2_mmx', MMX conversions from 
> module: new builtin module `chroma_i420_ymga_mmx', MMX conversions from 
> I420,IYUV,YV12 to YMGA
> module: new builtin module `memcpymmxext', MMX EXT memcpy module
> module: new builtin module `idctmmxext', MMX EXT IDCT module
> module: new builtin module `motionmmxext', MMXEXT motion compensation 
> module
> module: new builtin module `memcpy3dn', 3D Now! memcpy module
> module: new builtin module `imdct3dn', 3D Now! AC3 IMDCT module
> module: new builtin module `downmix3dn', 3D Now! AC3 downmix module
> module: new builtin module `imdctsse', SSE AC3 IMDCT module
> module: new builtin module `downmixsse', SSE AC3 downmix module
> module: new builtin module `dvd', DVD input module, linked with libdvdcss
> module: new builtin module `xvideo', XVideo extension module
> module: checking plugin modules
> module: browsing `.'
> module: browsing `plugins'
> module: browsing `/usr/local/lib/videolan/vlc'
> module: new plugin module `dsp', Linux OSS /dev/dsp module
> module: new plugin module `gtk', Gtk+ interface module
> module: new plugin module `x11', X11 module
> module: new plugin module `ac3_spdif', SPDIF pass-through AC3 decoder
> module warning: cannot find symbol 
> InitModule__MODULE_0_2_92_dev_2002_03_20 in module 
> /usr/local/lib/videolan/vlc/spu_dec.so (/usr/
> local/lib/videolan/vlc/spu_dec.so: undefined symbol: 
> _InitModule__MODULE_0_2_92_dev_2002_03_20)
> module: new plugin module `dummy', dummy functions module
> module: new plugin module `null', the Null module that does nothing
> module: new plugin module `rc', remote control interface module
> module: new plugin module `logger', file logging interface module
> module: new plugin module `mpeg_es', ISO 13818-2 MPEG Elementary Stream 
> input
> module: new plugin module `mpeg_ps', ISO 13818-1 MPEG Program Stream input
> module: new plugin module `mpeg_ts', ISO 13818-1 MPEG Transport Stream 
> input
> module: new plugin module `file', Standard filesystem file reading
> module: new plugin module `udp', Raw UDP access plug-in
> module: new plugin module `http', HTTP access plug-in
> module: new plugin module `ipv4', IPv4 network abstraction layer
> module: new plugin module `memcpy', libc memcpy module
> module: new plugin module `lpcm_adec', Linear PCM audio decoder
> module: new plugin module `spudec', DVD subtitles decoder module
> module: new plugin module `filter_deinterlace', deinterlacing module
> module: new plugin module `filter_invert', invert video module
> module: new plugin module `filter_wall', image wall video module
> module: new plugin module `filter_transform', image transformation module
> module: new plugin module `filter_distort', miscellaneous video effects 
> module
> module: new plugin module `fx_scope', scope effect module
> module: new plugin module `vcd', VCD input module
> module: new plugin module `ipv6', IPv6 network abstraction layer
> module: new plugin module `fb', Linux console framebuffer module
> module: module bank initialized, found 57 modules
> config: opening config file /home/daddy/.videolan/vlcrc
> config: loading config for module <fb>
> config: found <fb> option fb_dev=/dev/fb0
> config: loading config for module <x11>
> config: found <x11> option x11_altfullscreen=0
> config: loading config for module <dsp>
> config: found <dsp> option dsp_dev=/dev/dsp0
> config: loading config for module <xvideo>
> config: found <xvideo> option xvideo_adaptor=-1
> config: found <xvideo> option xvideo_altfullscreen=0
> config: loading config for module <mpeg_vdec>
> config: loading config for module <ac3_adec>
> config: loading config for module <main>
> config: found <main> option warning=0
> config: found <main> option stats=0
> config: found <main> option aout=dsp
> config: found <main> option noaudio=0
> config: found <main> option mono=0
> config: found <main> option volume=256
> config: found <main> option rate=44100
> config: found <main> option desync=0
> config: found <main> option aout_format=0
> config: found <main> option novideo=0
> config: found <main> option width=720
> config: found <main> option height=576
> config: found <main> option grayscale=0
> config: found <main> option fullscreen=0
> config: found <main> option nooverlay=0
> config: found <main> option spumargin=-1
> config: found <main> option server_port=1234
> config: found <main> option network_channel=0
> config: found <main> option channel_server=localhost
> config: found <main> option channel_port=6010
> config: found <main> option iface=eth0
> config: found <main> option input_audio=-1
> config: found <main> option input_channel=1
> config: found <main> option input_subtitle=0
> config: found <main> option dvd_device=/dev/hdc
> config: found <main> option vcd_device=/dev/cdrom
> config: found <main> option ipv6=0
> config: found <main> option ipv4=0
> config: found <main> option vdec_smp=0
> config: found <main> option nommx=0
> config: found <main> option no3dn=0
> config: found <main> option nommxext=0
> config: found <main> option nosse=0
> config: found <main> option noaltivec=0
> config: found <main> option playlist_launch=0
> config: found <main> option playlist_enqueue=0
> config: found <main> option playlist_loop=0
> intf: playlist initialized
> module: locking memcpy module `memcpymmx'
> module: locking interface module `gtk'
> intf: interface initialized
> intf: added `dvd:/dev/hdc at 1,4' to playlist
> intf: creating new input thread
> input: playlist item `dvd:/dev/hdc at 1,4'
> input: access `dvd', demux `', name `/dev/hdc at 1,4'
> input: dvd=/dev/hdc raw= title=1 chapter=4 angle=1
> thread info: 1026 (input) has been created ((null):0)
> ifo info: vmg initialized
> dvd info: number of titles: 5
> ifo info: vts 1 initialized
> dvd: title 1 vts_title 1 pgc 1
> dvd info: title start: 287292 size: 2551955
> dvd info: title 1, 28 chapters, 5 angles
> dvd info: MPEG-2 video, pal 625 @50Hz, aspect ratio 16:9
> dvd info: display mode letterboxed, no line21-1 data, no line21-2 data
> dvd info: source is 720x480 ntsc or 720x576 pal, not letterboxed, camera 
> mode
> dvd info: audio 1 (English) is ac3, 6 channels, 48000Hz, no application 
> specified
> dvd info: unknown caption, quantization drc, status 0
> dvd info: audio 2 (Deutsch) is ac3, 6 channels, 48000Hz, no application 
> specified
> dvd info: unknown caption, quantization drc, status 1
> dvd info: audio 3 (English) is ac3, 2 channels, 48000Hz, no application 
> specified
> dvd info: unknown caption, quantization drc, status 2
> dvd info: spu 1 (English), caption 0 prefix 100, modes [ ]
> dvd info: spu 2 (Deutsch), caption 0 prefix 100, modes [ wide letter ]
> dvd info: spu 3 (Nederlands), caption 0 prefix 100, modes [ wide letter ]
> dvd info: spu 4 (*Polish), caption 0 prefix 100, modes [ wide letter ]
> dvd info: spu 5 (*Czech(Ceske)), caption 0 prefix 100, modes [ wide 
> letter ]
> dvd info: spu 6 (Magyar), caption 0 prefix 100, modes [ wide letter ]
> dvd info: spu 7 (Islenska), caption 0 prefix 100, modes [ wide letter ]
> dvd info: spu 8 (*Hindi), caption 0 prefix 100, modes [ wide letter ]
> dvd info: spu 9 (*Hebrew), caption 0 prefix 100, modes [ wide letter ]
> dvd info: spu 10 (*Turkish), caption 0 prefix 100, modes [ wide letter ]
> dvd info: spu 11 (Dansk), caption 0 prefix 100, modes [ wide letter ]
> dvd info: spu 12 (Svenska), caption 0 prefix 100, modes [ wide letter ]
> dvd info: spu 13 (Suomi), caption 0 prefix 100, modes [ wide letter ]
> dvd info: spu 14 (Norsk), caption 0 prefix 100, modes [ wide letter ]
> dvd info: spu 15 (*Greek), caption 0 prefix 100, modes [ wide letter ]
> dvd info: spu 16 (Deutsch), caption 0 prefix 100, modes [ wide letter ]
> dvd info: spu 17 (Nederlands), caption 0 prefix 100, modes [ wide letter ]
> dvd info: chapter 4 prg_cell 7 map_cell 497
> intf: stream has changed, refreshing interface
> module: locking access module `dvd'
> input: selecting ES 0xe0
> module: locking decoder module `mpeg_vdec'
> module: locking motion module `motionmmx'
> module: locking iDCT module `idctmmx'
> thread info: 2051 (decoder) has been created ((null):0)
> input: selecting ES 0x80bd
> module: locking decoder module `ac3_adec'
> module: locking downmix module `downmix'
> module: locking iMDCT module `imdct'
> thread info: 3076 (decoder) has been created ((null):0)
> module: locking demux module `dvd'
> vpar: no vout present, spawning one
> vout: found adaptor 0, port 46, image format 0x32315659 (YV12) planar
> intf: stream has changed, refreshing interface
> module: locking video output module `xvideo'
> thread info: 4101 (video output) has been created ((null):0)
> vout info: got 8 direct buffer(s)
> vout info: picture in 720x576, chroma 0x30323449 (I420), aspect ratio 16:9
> vout info: picture out 720x576, chroma 0x32315659 (YV12), aspect ratio 16:9
> vout info: direct render, mapping render pictures 0-6 to system pictures 
> 1-7
> vpar synchro warning: dts != current_pts (-68122)
> aout: no aout present, spawning one
> module: locking audio output module `dsp'
> vpar synchro warning: backward_pts != current_pts (-40000)
> thread info: 5126 (audio output) has been created ((null):0)
> aout info: signed 16 bits thread spawned, 2 channels, rate 44100
> aout info: fifo #0 allocated, 2 channels, rate 48000, frame size 3072
> vpar info: stream periodicity changed from B[1] to B[2]
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> vpar info: stream periodicity changed from P[2] to P[3]
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> module: unlocking module `idctmmx'
> module: unlocking module `motionmmx'
> thread info: 2051 has been joined ((null):0)
> module: unlocking module `mpeg_vdec'
> aout info: fifo #0 destroyed
> module: unlocking module `downmix'
> module: unlocking module `imdct'
> thread info: 3076 has been joined ((null):0)
> module: unlocking module `ac3_adec'
> module: unlocking module `dvd'
> module: unlocking module `dvd'
> thread info: 1026 has been joined ((null):0)
> aout error: Cannot allocate memory
> thread info: 5126 has been joined ((null):0)
> module: unlocking module `dsp'
> module: unlocking module `xvideo'
> Gildas Bazin wrote:
>> On Tuesday 19 March 2002 23:19, David Legg wrote:
>>> I have VideoLAN Client - version 0.2.92_2002-03-08 Ourumov - 
>>> (C)1996-2001 
>> VideoLAN.
>>> Has anyone managed to get it working on Linux 2.4.17 with OSS sound 
>> V2.0.0?
>>> All I get is clicks followed by very distorted sound.
>> Could you try to use one of the latest cvs snapshots provided on 
>> www.videolan.org. Many things have changed and been fixed since the 
>> latest release.
>> Regards,
>> -- 
>> Gildas

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