Can't start vlc from terminal in OS X

Stephan H=?ISO-8859-1?B?5Q==?=kansson stephan.hakansson at
Fri May 17 22:20:27 CEST 2002

> When I launch vlc from the commandline I get the
> same debug reports. I then click on the icon and it works.
When I click on the icon, the menu-bar is totally empty and there's no
control window.

> What platform is this? 10.1.4?
Yes. 10.1.4 Build 5Q125

I'm sure the problem will disappear if I reinstall the system, because it
has been working, but I'd rather not do that just to be able to launch VLC
from the command line. So if there's any other way, it would save me a lot
of time.

On 02-05-17 12.07, "The DJ" <hartman at> wrote:

> on 17-05-2002 11:52, Stephan Håkansson at stephan.hakansson at wrote:
>> -vvvvv gives me:
>> VideoLAN Client - version 0.3.1_2002-05-15 Ourumov - (c) 1996-2002 VideoLAN
>> module: checking built-in modules
> <cut detecting modules>
>> config: opening config file /Users/stephan/.videolan/vlcrc
>> config: couldn't open config file /Users/stephan/.videolan/vlcrc for reading
>> (No such file or directory)
>> intf: playlist initialized
>> module: locking memcpy module `memcpyaltivec'
>> module: locking interface module `macosx'
>> intf: interface initialized
>> <-- And here is where it stops
>> And there happens exactly the same thing with other/earlier builds.
>> Looks like the config-file isn't there?
> The config file is not mandatory, I don't have one either, so.
> This is perfectly normal. When I launch vlc from the commandline I get the
> same debug reports. I then click on the icon and it works.
> What platform is this? 10.1.4?
>> On 02-05-17 11.33, "The DJ" <hartman at> wrote:
>>> on 17-05-2002 10:20, Stephan Håkansson at stephan.hakansson at wrote:
>>>> I have problems starting VLC from the terminal. It has worked before, but
>>>> for
>>>> some reason it doesn¹t launch correctly anymore. When I start it from the
>>>> GUI
>>>> everything works as it should do, but I need to start the app with an
>>>> option
>>>> like desync or ac3-adec pass. And when I start it in the terminal ³VideoLAN
>>>> Client - version 0.3.1_2002-05-15 Ourumov - (c) 1996-2002 VideoLAN" appears
>>>> but then nothing happens. No error, absolutely nothing. In the GUI the
>>>> application has been started, and I can quit it by ctrl-click the icon in
>>>> the
>>>> dock and choose quit. But no menus or something like that has been
>>>> launched.
>>>> It´s just an "empty" application.
>>>> Plz help!
>>>> /Stephan
>>> The option works for me, with exactly the same release. Try adding -vvvvv
>>> for debug information. The more v's you add, the more info you will see.
>>> DJ
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Universiteit Twente
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Derk-Jan 'The DJ' Hartman
> ICQnr: 10111559
> Mail:  mailto:hartman at
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