[vlc] Re: VideoLAN as default player under W2000

Fabien ILLIDE fillide.cambrai at nordnet.fr
Tue Oct 8 15:19:42 CEST 2002


SuperCross at gmx.net a écrit:
>>The problem is I get the VLC icon for these files types, but when clicking
>>on a file, VLC doesn't start at all.
> Sorry i have german Windows so your Labels could be different .......

Is the german windows as buggy as the french one ? ;-)

> but try:
> Open the explorer and choose (Win2K - Could be different for Win98 ....)
> Extras,
> then (Folder)Options
> then (File)Types 
> There choose "avi"
> There you have to choose your default action for this file type and the
> application which is connected to this action.
> e.g. play, open ....
> The program for those actions could be different.
> In your case wmp for play and vlc for open,
> but your default action ist play, so you see the vlc icon but 
> when you doubleclick (default action) wmp plays the file.

Yes, that's what I was thinking.
I've done some tries, but the result is still the same
I've try to put VLC for Open and Play, only one of them, one other action 
as default... no change.

The line for VLC (in "advanced") is :
"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VideoLAN Client\vlc.exe" %1

(as for WMP it's "C:\Path-To-WMP\wmp.exe" %1)

Is it something wrong in this ?
And does it need a(nother) reboot to be take in count ?

If I doubleclick, or do Right-Click/Open ou Right-Click/Play (and VLC set 
as "viewer" for these actions), there's nothing coming to screen.

If I put WMP instead, the same actions are working as expected.

That's why I wonder if there's a particular way to tell VLC to open and 
play a file

(like : something different than vlc.exe %1)

If some of you have VLC as default player under W2000, it would be nice 
show me the lines of File Type.

Thanks again,

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