[vlc] Re: about vlc for familiar

Jean-Paul Saman saman at natlab.research.philips.com
Tue May 6 14:00:35 CEST 2003

rajan babu wrote:
> hi folks,
>  Currently i'm doing a project in Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
> India. My project is to implement VLC on simputer (a hand held device
> developed in iIISc Bangalore). i would like to know wether any simulator
> is available on which i can install the familair version of VLC, and
> analyse the performance.
If you want to analize performance, then do not use a simulator. 
Simulators kill performance!

VLC Media Player can be ported to other PDA to. Currently it is reported 
to work on iPaq, Yopy and Zaurus PDA's all running Linux.

 > If you have any valid information on this matter kindly forward it
 > to me.
What CPU has the simputer ?

Kind greetings,

Jean-Paul Saman

Software Architect

e-mail (work): saman at natlab.research.philips.com
phone  (work): 040 27 42674
Ordina TA,
Science Park Eindhoven 5602, Postbus 293, 5600 AG Eindhoven
e-mail : jean-paul.saman at ordina.nl
phone  : 040 2601200
fax    : 040 2601199

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