[vlc] Problem with execute VLC via Apache

jferrom at dilmun.ls.fi.upm.es jferrom at dilmun.ls.fi.upm.es
Wed Dec 1 19:45:59 CET 2004

Hello to all people. (excuse me for my English)

I'm a new user of VLC. I've been read the documentation for 2 weeks and I
think I have understand the VLC procedure. Althrought I have a problem.

I want to execute VLC (as server) from PHP program to streaming files in a
 local network. I've programmed a simple PHP with button to init and
finalize the VLC, and others to Play, Stop,... the files.

The Web server used is Apache v2, with PHP, MySQL, etc. There is no
problem with the server (in a Debian Machine).

In the PHP program, when a user click on 'IniciarServicio' button, it call
a sh script to play a file with vlc. This script contains the line:
"vlc -vvv "simpson.avi" --sout udp: --loop"

If I write in the shell:
sh iniciar.sh

this initiate the vlc aplication. Until here is all right. But I desire to
call VLC from PHP.

To call this script in the PHP program I use:
  exec('sh iniciar.sh',$salida,$error);

Here is the problem. This line does nothing.

Can I call vlc from PHP with sh scrip? I need to call vlc and have control
about it to send it orders. I have test a lot of commands to make this but
I've not was able to execute vlc via PHP.

If anyone know the way to make this, please aswer.

Thanks for your time.

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