[vlc] Re: Problems linking to libvlc.a

Sigmund Augdal sigmunau at stud.ntnu.no
Fri Dec 17 13:26:12 CET 2004

On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 10:00:49PM -0500, Varol Okan wrote:
> Bonjour,
> First off thank you for VLC this is a very interesting project. I love 
> it and I would love to write a interface to the library in Qt. 
Thanks, sounds cool. You plan to write an interface the way totem and others
are interfaces around libxine and gstreamer? If so I must dissappoint you,
because libvlc doen not yet have a suitable api for that. We know it's a
pity, and it might change in the future, but right now we have more than
enough to do developing the internal stuff.

> Unfortunately qvlc is not built anymore and the PAST TWO DAYS I could 
> not find any information.
qvlc is not built because the interface was never completed, it does not do
much except print "not implemented" on stdout when you press buttons.

> I don't have GTK++ installed, thus I don't have wxWidget, thus I don't 
> have the wxWidget GUI. HELP ...
The right task for you would probably be trying to complete the qt
interface. But it sounds as a terrible waste, as you will do everything the
wx interface do over again. If you have kde installed you could start with
kde interface since it got quite a bit further than qt interface before
interrest dropped. Though the obviously simplest solution would be to
install wxwidgets. It's not _that_ big is it? If you compile from source you
could build a wxwidgets that only depend on X, not gtk (at least so I think).
> I have a simple application main.cpp
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <vlc/vlc.h>
> int main( int argc, char ** argv )
> {
> const char *pVersion = NULL;
> pVersion = VLC_Version ();
> printf (" <%s> \n", pVersion);
> return 0;
> }
> which I compile using:
> g++ -c -pipe -O2 -march=i586 -mcpu=i686 -Wall -W -g -I. -I/usr/include 
> -o main.o main.cpp
> g++ -o test main.o `vlc-config --cxxflags --libs`

vlc-config is mainly meant to be used during building of vlc, but this
changed recently. If you have up to date svn version of vlc you can use
"vlc-config --cxxflags --libs external" to get flags for compilation in an
external project.

> but I get this error message :
> main.o(.text+0x16): In function `main':
> /home/me/test_vlc/main.cpp:7: undefined reference to `VLC_Version'
> I compiled vlc 0.8.1 from source and have only a static library libvlc.a.
> I tried a lot of variations on the build commands, notably adding -lvlc 
> but no luck there just more error messages.
> Can someone help me ?
Hope this helps.


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