[vlc] Streaming Subtitles & wmp with no video

Madman madman at starfleet.hu
Tue Dec 28 02:46:11 CET 2004


I've got 2 little problems, I hope someone can help.

The first one:

I try to stream a file with subtitles. Client side seems to receive it
fully (audio,video,sub, I can see them in the "stream and media info"),
but I cant see any subtitles, not for long... It flashes for a moment
sometimes, but generally there is no subtitles at all. Once a minute I
can see it for about half a second popping up and disappear again...

The second one:

I've tried to make my stream compatible with windoz media player, so
I've used vcodec=div3,acodec=mp3, with mux=asf. It's perfect in VLC on
the client side, but watching it with wmp I can see no video. It seems
that wmp gets the video, because the bitrate is correct, (video+audio),
but there is no video, only a "black" screen. 


- Madman out - 

        Madman ( madman at starfleet.hu ) 

"To boldly go where no one has gone before ..." 

*** Transmition End ***

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