[vlc] Re: vlc on redhat 8.0

Torsten Spindler spindler at hbt.arch.ethz.ch
Wed Feb 11 16:18:30 CET 2004

Vikram, I'd recommend grabbing apt for rpm from

Then do an 
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

After this the latest Red Hat 8 patches are installed.
Then install the rpms one after another with
rpm -Uvh <rpm-filename>
and see if it works.
rpm -i is really only recommended for installing another kernel. 
First it may conflict with an existing installed rpm packet,
second it may result in two different versions of one packet
installed. The -U is a good way to reduce conflicts.

If one rpm fails, you might try to use apt for it as well, e.g.
apt-get install <rpm-name>.

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