[vlc] Re: Streaming at LinuxTag 2004

Torsten Spindler spindler at hbt.arch.ethz.ch
Fri Jun 18 09:37:45 CEST 2004

On Wed, 2004-06-16 at 22:30, Benjamin PRACHT wrote:
> AFAIK, Amino STBs can access multicast streams, but only in mpeg2. That means
> that you'll have to transcode the originial stream one more time, in
> mpeg2 (vcodec=mp2v)

This should be no problem, as the Axis camera natively gives mpeg2.
Using vlc as relay is no problem.

Currently I'm not sure if I'll have access to a MBONE connected computer at Karlsruhe
yet. Therefore the current solution looks like this:

Storing stream with vlc locally:

vlc -I rc http/ps2://AXIS-IP/axis-cgi/mpeg2/video.cgi --sout
file:Vortrag.mpeg --loop

Transcoding to lower bandwidth usage and publishing as http stream:

vlc -I rc --http-caching 1000
http/ps2://AXIS-IP/axis-cgi/mpeg2/video.cgi --sout
'#transcode{vcodec=mpgv,vb=256,acodec=mpga,ab=128,width=360,height=288}:std{access=http,url=linuxtag04-stream.ethz.ch:PORT,mux=ts}' --loop

Transcoding and sending to video streaming server:

vlc -I rc --http-caching 1000
http/ps2://AXIS-IP/axis-cgi/mpeg2/video.cgi --sout
'#transcode{vcodec=mpgv,vb=256,acodec=mpga,ab=128,width=360,height=288}:std{access=udp,url=linuxtag04-stream.ethz.ch:INCOMINGPORT,mux=ts}' --loop

Publishing incoming stream at udp port INCOMINGPORT as http stream:

vlc -I rc --udp-caching 1000 udp://@:INCOMINGPORT --sout

Viewing stream:

      * vlc http://linuxtag04-stream.ethz.ch:PORT
      * mplayer http://linuxtag04-stream.ethz.ch:PORT
      * xine http://linuxtag04-stream.ethz.ch:PORT

Thanks a lot for all your help, not only on this mailing list, but also
on IRC!!


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