[vlc] Re: Error on VlC using on xscale

Jean-Paul Saman jean-paul.saman at planet.nl
Wed Jun 30 22:04:56 CEST 2004

chenxuekai at zju.edu.cn wrote:

>I put the vlc on xscale by cross-compile.the compile is ok.my configure option is
>such as :
> ./configure --host=xscale --target=xscale --with-mad-tree=/.../libmad-0.15.1b/
>--disable-dvd --with-ffmpeg-tree=/.../ffmpeg-20040520/ --disable-libmpeg2
>--disable-x11 --disable-sdl --disable-gtk --disable-freetype --disable-fribidi
I see you compiled with --enable-plugins (default enabled).

>the toolchain is MontaVista professional 3.1 for Xscale (gcc3.3.2) 
>but when i run the project i met the error such as:
>[00000001] main vlc error: no memcpy module matched "any"
>[00000015] main interface error: no interface module matched "hotkeys,none"
>[00000015] main interface error: no suitable intf module
VLC  can't find its plugin modules, which are shared objects and should 
have been installed on the target too.

>[00000001] main vlc error: interface "hotkeys,none" initialization failed
>[00000016] main interface error: no interface module matched "dummy"
>[00000016] main interface error: no suitable intf module
>[00000001] main vlc error: interface "(null)" initialization failed
>I only want the vlc can play mpeg4 video and mp3 audio on xscale.
>who can help me?
In your cross-compile environment do a:
$> make DESTDIR=<your target prefix>/usr  install

This will install all resources and shared objects for VLC his plugins. 
Also make your to install all additional libraries that you compiled 
(libmad, libdvbpsi, libavcodec, postproc, libavformat) on the target.


Many greetings,
Jean-Paul Saman

VLC iPAQ maintainer                    http://www.videolan.org
RedHat Certified Engineer         RHCE number: 807202745005548

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