[vlc] mp4 streaming

Manac Dragos dragosh at lsd.ro
Mon Mar 22 01:15:47 CET 2004


>From what i see here: http://www.videolan.org/streaming/features.html I
cannot stream from a direct show input (under winXP) to a vlc/darwin
streaming server (under linux) using the MP4 format. It appears only a
file output is supported. I need your advice on what software to use for
streaming MP4 (in the setup described above). Is there CVS/planned
support for MP4 streaming? Alternatively you could advise me in what
format to use, although I think I'm stuck with the  old mpeg. I want a
windows video camera input to a linux server restreamed to a web
audience ideally in a java applet. For a big number of viewers I thought
of using a "advertised" scalable solution and I don't know what to
choose between Helix streaming server and Darwin streaming server. Ok,
those were a lot of questions, any opinions or advices related to any of
those questions will be greatly appreciated.

Best regards, 


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