[vlc] [xu_ying <xu_ying at 163.com>] Help about VLC

Johan Bilien jobi at via.ecp.fr
Thu Mar 25 14:42:17 CET 2004

----- Forwarded message from xu_ying <xu_ying at 163.com> -----

From: "xu_ying" <xu_ying at 163.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 21:17:23 +0800 (CST)
To: henri at via.ecp.fr, jobi at via.ecp.fr
Subject: Help about VLC
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Dear Sir,
    I'm a student in China, and I want to use VideoLan Client in my class report.I want to use VLC as a Media-player to display a type of network stream like MPEG-2,this stream will be sent by IPv4 as MPEG-2 TS stream. But the encoder and decoder has a little difference from MPEG-2, So I want to write additional module to VLC.
    I have download vlc0.7.0 snapshot20040109 from www.videolan.org, And managed to compiled the VLC project in Cygwin (wxWindows). 
    I want to know how the VLC functioned, so I read the source files and use msg_Dbg macros the trace the output in Messages,  When I read the file ts.c in function 
"static int Demux( input_thread_t * p_input )", I met a line  
"i_result = p_demux->mpeg.pf_read_ts( p_input, &p_data )" , AndI can't find where the pf_read_ts being implemented, and how it functioned.
     Sorry for my poor English, Could you give me some advice? What I should do to understand the VLC project quickly?  
Thank you for your help!
sincerely yours
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