[vlc] Re: videolan-based jukebox (longish)

Benjamin PRACHT bigben at via.ecp.fr
Thu May 6 19:03:36 CEST 2004

On Thu, May 06, 2004, Darrell Berry wrote :
> Hi
> I'm currently running a single-box mp3 jukebox based on the rather
> excellent otto jukebox system (http://www.cardhouse.com/otto/), using
> mplayer as the actual player engine to play both mp3 and flac audio files
> locally via alsa.
> Having decided its time to move to FLAC for everything (re-rip!), I'm
> reviewing the entire architecture. Rather than have a single box with a
> disk large enough for all my music (~700 cds and counting), I'm planning
> to rebuild the actual player as a thin-client, running (possibly) a
> videolan client rather than mplayer (or if that doesn't work, sticking
> with mplayer and mounting my flac collection remotely as a share onto the
> box). But videolan seems tidier, and more extensible if/when i decide to
> move to video as well.
> BUT, I can't quite work out how to do what i want to do, under the
> videolan model. Effectivly, I need:
> on the SERVER:
> programatic control of what's being streamed (preferably via otto, because
> I like it), rather than simple looping through a playlist. my current otto
> setup simply calls mplayer on each track in turn, and i need a similar
> functionality: to be able to tell vlc (or vls) the name of a file to queue
> up next. or indeed, to tell the sevrer to stop playing the current file
> and skip to the next one. but there isn't at any point a playlist FILE
> that's being played -- otto sends 'play' requests one file at a time, and
> maintains its own mysql-based playlist internally (inaccessible to the
> actual media streamer).
> on the CLIENT:
> a simple player that is permanently tuned into the server 'channel', and
> plays whatevers is on (or silence if there's nothing).
> Again, this is an obvious newbie question: there's probably a 'videolan
> standard' way of doing this, but again I can't find it in the docs. I
> realise this is a fairly trivial use of videolan, but the main reason i
> want to use it is its excellent ability to support very flexible formats
> and wrappings -- being able to stream flac is a very cool thing for these
> kinds of tasks...

VLM could  be a help,  here, on server side.  It is new  "interface" for
vlc, which allow  to stream miltiple files  in the same time.  It can be
commanded through telnet. The http interface of vlc could also be a nice
way to  script it. On  client side, a vlc  listening to the  sent stream
should be ok. However, if I remember corectly, flac is not streamable in
ts container, over UDP. That means that  you'll have to stream it in ogg
over http. The main drawback of this  is taht you cannot have the client
listen in  a passive  way with  that kind of  transport. Each  state you
begin to stream, you'll have to press "play" on client side in order for
it to send a http request to the server.

$(echo "BigBen")

Oui je quote, et alors ?

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