[vlc] Re: modest question

Utku Altunkaya utku at citlembik.com.tr
Wed Apr 6 01:33:30 CEST 2005

The latest version of the eMule partfile access module (updated for VLC 
0.8.1), together with usage instructions and source code, can be 
downloaded here:


For inquiries and bug reports please use the following thread in the 
eMule Development Forum:


Best regards...

Gigi Bigio wrote:
> Dear Sirs,
> I have downloaded and installed Videolan (vlc.exe). I simply am a final 
> user and I was told that Videolan, among other features, also allows to 
> preview files partially downloaded or while they are being downloaded 
> with programmes like Emule. Is this true?
> And if it is how does it work? This will help me to preview some old 
> black and white movies I'd like to download and check in advance if they 
> really are what I am looking for.
> Thanks for any help you may want to give me.
> G. Bigio

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