[vlc] Re: HELP HELP HELP compiling VLC IN cygwin env ??????? ANY BODY THERE ?????

Sanker Gopalakrishnan sanker.g at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 11:39:03 CEST 2005

 if u want to compile it in rh9 just go through this.... u can download the 
necessary libraries from www.videolan.org <http://www.videolan.org> . search 
the net for cross-compiler and other necessary items...
 VLC Installation and Compilation Procedures for Windows (in Linux Red Hat 
| Essential Files |

To install VLC, we need the third party libraries,ie,

1) The third party libraries present in the Libraries folder are: 

2) The VLC Source Code.

3) The "mingw-gcc3.3.1-linux-crosscompiler.tar" which is the mingw Cross 

4) Precompiled Libraries for Win32 are present in the "
contrib-20040520-win32-bin-gcc3.3.1-only.tar.tar" file.

5) The these tools namely
a) wxWindows Toolkit --> wxWindows-20031222.tar.tar
b) gettext utility --> gettext-0.12.1.tar.tar

6) WINE - Implementation of Windows on Linux is present in the WINE Folder.

7) NSIS - Nullsoft Scriptable Installer System is present in the NSIS 

| PRE-VLC Installation Procedure |

STEP 1: Untarring and Installing the Libraries
a) 'untar' each of the libraries using the command
1) tar -xjvf <filename> or 
2) tar -xzvf <filaname>
b) As a result folders having the filenames as the folder name will be 
c) Go to these folders and install the RPMs using the command
rpm -ivh --nodeps --force <filename>
rpm -ivh --nodeps --force *.rpm 

STEP 2: Untarring and Installing wxWindows Toolkit
a) Untar the wxWindows Toolkit using the command
tar -xzvf wxWindows-20031222.tar.tar
b) Go to the "wxWindows-20031222" folder created and perform the following 
1) ./configure && make && make install
2) Edit the file: /etc/ld.so.conf
3) Add the path /<Directory where wxWindows was 
untarred>/wxWindows-20031222/lib to this file

STEP 3: Untarring and Installing gettext utility
a) Untar the gettext utility using the command
tar -xzvf gettext-0.12.1.tar.tar
b) Go to the "gettext-0.12.1" folder created and perform the following
./configure && make && make install

STEP 4: Untarring and Installing mingw32 Cross Compiler
a) Copy the "mingw-gcc3.3.1-linux-crosscompiler.tar.tar" file to the / 
directory which can
be navigated to by using "cd /"
b) Untar the mingw Compiler using the command
tar -xzvf mingw-gcc3.3.1-linux-crosscompiler.tar.tar
c) Automatically the files will be installed in /usr/local/mingw Folder.
d) Edit the file: /etc/ld.so.conf
e) Add the path "/usr/local/mingw/lib" to the file.
f) Edit the File /etc/profile and navigate to the line where 
g) Add the line "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mingw/bin" before this line.

STEP 5: Untarring and Installing the Precompiled libraries for Win32
a) Copy the "contrib-20040520-win32-bin-gcc3.3.1-only.tar.tar" file to the / 
directory which can be navigated to by using "cd /"
b) Untar using the command
tar -xzvf contrib-20040520-win32-bin-gcc3.3.1-only.tar.tar
c) Automatically the files will be installed in /usr/win32 Folder.
d) Edit the file: /etc/ld.so.conf
e) Add the path "/usr/win32/lib" to the file.
STEP 6: Installing Wine and NSIS
a) Install wine using the command
rpm -ivh --nodeps --force wine-20040615-1rh9winehq.i386.rpm
b) Install NSIS using the command
wine nsis20.exe
| Installing VLC |

STEP 1: Untar the VLC Source file present in the "VLC Source" Folder using 
the command
tar -xzvf vlc-0.7.2.tar_2.tar

STEP 2: Navigate to the "vlc-0.7.2" Folder created and perform the following 

a) Configuring vlc for Windows:-
CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/win32/include LDFLAGS=-L/usr/win32/lib 
CC=i586-mingw32msvc-gcc CXX=i586-mingw32msvc-g++ ./configure 
--host=i586-mingw32msvc --build=i386-linux --disable-sdl --disable-gtk 
--enable-nls --enable-ffmpeg --with-ffmpeg-mp3lame --with-ffmpeg-faac 
--enable-faad --enable-flac --enable-theora 
--with-fribidi-config-path=/usr/win32/bin --enable-livedotcom 
--with-livedotcom-tree=/usr/win32/live.com --enable-caca 
--with-dvdnav-config-path=/usr/win32/bin --disable-cddax --disable-vcdx 
--enable-goom --enable-debug --disable-cmml

b) Compile vlc for windows:-

c) Edit and Make change in "vlc-source-directory/Makefile" (path to 
makensis.exe file):-
Search for this line " #wine ~/.wine/fake_windows/Program\ 
Files/NSIS/makensis.exe \"
and replace it with the below lines..

#wine ~/.wine/fake_windows/Program\ Files/NSIS/makensis.exe \/
wine /root/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/NSIS/makensis.exe \
-- /DVERSION=${VERSION} $(srcdir)/vlc-${VERSION}/vlc.win32.nsi

d) Creating Windows package(In zip format with Installer):-
make package-win32

e) Copy the vlc-0.7.2-win32.zip File Created to the Windows Machine and 
extract the Files there. or install 
vlc-0.7.2-win32.exe in windows machine.

f) Run vlc.exe. Or if you want to run and see the vlc.exe in linux, just 
type "wine vlc" in vlc's folder.

If "tar -xjvf <filename>" emits error, please try using "tar -xzvf 
<filename>" instead and vice versa.


On 4/27/05, kishor patel <kishor8379 at yahoo.com> wrote: 
> hi 
> i have downloaded the cygwin packages from ur ftp site .
>  Thank you very much 
>  kishor patel
> *Mark Moriarty <mfmbusiness at earthlink.net>* wrote:
> There's a zipped set of the Cygwin packages that I use, available on my 
> FTP.
> (I sent a separate message, with username/password)
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* vlc-bounce at videolan.org [mailto:vlc-bounce at videolan.org] *On 
> Behalf Of *kishor patel
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 26, 2005 1:56 AM
> *To:* vlc-devel at videolan.org; vlc at videolan.org
> *Subject:* [vlc] HELP HELP HELP compiling VLC IN cygwin env ??????? ANY 
> BODY THERE ?????
>  hi 
>  i want to compile vlc under cygwin for that i need 
> Automake-devel-1.8.5-1.tar.bz2 
> i have search on net but i could not find it so please help me 
>  thank you very much 
> in advance 
>  kishor patel
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Sanker Gopalakrishnan,
Project Associate, 
Amrita Research Labs,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetam,
Coimbatore , 
Tamil Nadu - 641 105.
Phone - 0422 2656422 ext 533
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