[vlc] Re: STB compatible with VLC and MPEG4

Peter Maersk-Moller peter at maersk-moller.net
Thu Jan 27 10:15:06 CET 2005


Danislav Kostov wrote:
> Hi again!
> I'm trying also with www.ninelanes.tv
> Yuo can try also and lets see...

Ninelanes promoted their STB at a show/conference in Amsterdam last year,
and they wrote (and still write) that they have support for MPEG-4 part 2
and coming support for MPEG-4 part 10. However when we tried to order a test
sample, they had to admit that they hadn't actually implemented MPEG-4
part 2 support yet, but they would do it if we paid 20-50k $US for
development. In some cultures, that would be considered as business,
but where I come from, a more precise wording like 'a hoax' would
not be out of the question.

Ninelanes solution btw. is not based on Sigmas chipset, but
another chipset I forgot the name of.


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