[vlc] Re: vlc 0.8.2 problem with TS streams

GALAD77 GALAD77 at terra.es
Thu Jul 7 10:57:33 CEST 2005


thanx for the answer, but I don't know exactly the meaning of proper PMT
in the stream? How can I know it? I think vlc/vls treats it internally.
About PID, I suppose it is a program ID, I can see PID 18 and PID 0, but
I don't give a PID number in vls. 
BTW, previous version of vlc do play the stream, why do they and not the
latest release?


----- Mensaje Original -----
De: Christophe Massiot <massiot at via.ecp.fr>
Fecha: Miercoles, Julio 6, 2005 11:42 pm
Asunto: [vlc] Re: vlc 0.8.2 problem with TS streams

> At 19:47 +0200 6/07/05, GALAD77 wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I'm using vls as server and vlc as player under Debian Linux.
> VLS is more or less deprecated.
> >- vls gives no problem
> >- vlc (0.8.2-svn of Debian testing) gives no problem at playing a
> >multicast udp ts stream
> >- vlc latest version of videolan repository give a segmentation 
> fault at
> >the moment of playing the stream
> >- the current release of vlc 0.8.2 happens the same, i.e, 
> segmentation fault
> >- I have just tried the vlc 0.8.2 stable version of videolan with the
> >new libdvbpsi library (0.1.5) and it does not give a segmentation 
> fault,>but it halts without displaying the video on the window. The 
> last lines
> >I get with the -vvv option the following last lines:
> >
> >[00000230] main input debug: `udp:@' successfully 
> opened>[00000236] ts demuxer debug: pid[224] unknown
> >libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 10, 
> expected>0) for PID 18
> >libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 3, 
> expected 0)
> >for PID 0
> >[00000236] ts demuxer debug: PATCallBack called
> >[00000236] ts demuxer debug: new PAT ts_id=0 version=0 current_next=1
> >[00000236] ts demuxer debug:   * number=4626 pid=18
> >
> >Any ideas why it does not show anything?
> >It seems the new version of libdvbpsi has helped avoiding a 
> segmentation>fault. But something else is missing.
> Do you have a proper PMT in the stream ? VLC doesn't seem to find 
> it 
> on PID 18. BTW I don't think PID 18 as a PMT PID is DVB-compliant.
> -- 
> Christophe Massiot.
> -- 
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