[vlc] Re: SAP (sdr mbone) playlist freeze

Marian Durkovic md at bts.sk
Fri Feb 17 12:09:36 CET 2006

On Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 11:42:40AM +0100, Jehan PROCACCIA wrote:
> R?mi Denis-Courmont wrote:
> >
> >There is a known issue whereby the wxWidgets interface will deadlock 
> >when the playlist is heavily updated.
> > 
> >
> too bad :-( , Indeed, it start to show an incrementing number of items 
> then freezes.
> I tried to reduce the SAP announcements on my router:
> c6509-01#clear ip sdr
> c6509-01(config-if)#no ip sap listen

This won't help you since this is only a local listener for the router.
Moreover I'd suggest to have it disabled by default since there was a weird
DOS attack to routers a few week ago exploiting this setting.

> however my linux clients still received many items (sap announces) very 
> "rapidly" , a cache somewhere in the network ? , so it still crashes ...
> Any chance it will work better on windows ? or it will be the same issue ?

If I enable global SAP listening here, I get about 200 SAPs in the first
10 seconds and VLC does not freeze (WinXP SP2, VLC-0.8.4a) 
So it looks like Linux bug.

	With kind regards,


----                                                                  ----
----   Marian Durkovic                       network  manager         ----
----                                                                  ----
----   Slovak Technical University           Tel: +421 2 524 51 301   ----
----   Computer Centre, Nam. Slobody 17      Fax: +421 2 524 94 351   ----
----   812 43 Bratislava, Slovak Republic    E-mail/sip: md at bts.sk    ----
----                                                                  ----

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