[vlc] Streaming to QTSS

Perbix, Michael PERBIX at lmsd.org
Mon Jun 5 16:42:30 CEST 2006

I have checked and not found exactly the solution I am looking for...

I have a source (can be either a UDP stream, or a Firewire input) on a
PowerMac G5 with 10.4.6

I need a command line that will

Open the source, transcode to mp4 and stream out to a QTSS server located
off site.  I have a solution to do it locally on my computer (with
generating the SDP file and saving the local movie)

/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC udp://@ --sout

This has been tested to work fine....so here is what I need from this...

The ability to designate a QTSS to stream to...instead of the internal
multicast, and I need the MP4 stream to be a decent stream for home
broadband users....I do not need to record a local file.....I can remove
that piece....

Also, I know I can place the SDP file on the server....which I can do...but
can VLC do an automatic announcement?

I am in a pinch since I need this Wed and Thurs night to webcast our
graduation ceremonies....I am trying to get hold of another solution, but I
don¹t know if I can get it in time....

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Michael Perbix
Lower Merion School District
Telecommunications Specialist
(610) 645-1964 - Work
(610) 896-2019 - Fax

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