[vlc] Re: Solaris no GUI

CJ Keist cj.keist at colostate.edu
Wed Mar 1 00:02:12 CET 2006

     Thanks, here is the output.  What should I be looking for? I have 
not installed this yet, as want to test it out first.

# ./vlc -vvv --color --list
VLC media player 0.8.4a Janus
[00000001] main vlc debug: opening config file /root/.vlc/vlcrc
[00000001] main vlc warning: config file /root/.vlc/vlcrc does not exist yet
[00000001] main vlc debug: checking builtin modules
[00000001] main vlc debug: checking plugin modules
[00000001] main vlc debug: loading plugins cache file 
[00000001] main vlc debug: recursively browsing `modules'
[00000001] main vlc debug: recursively browsing `/usr/local/lib/vlc'
[00000001] main vlc debug: recursively browsing `plugins'
[00000001] main vlc debug: module bank initialized, found 177 modules
   main                  main program
   help                  Help options
   dvdread               DVDRead Input (DVD without menu support)
   mux_ts                TS muxer (libdvbpsi)
   mpgatofixed32         MPEG audio decoder
   mpgatofixed32         MPEG audio decoder
   ffmpeg                ffmpeg audio/video decoder/encoder 
   ffmpeg                ffmpeg chroma conversion
   ffmpeg                ffmpeg audio/video encoder
   ffmpeg                ffmpeg demuxer
   ffmpeg                ffmpeg video filter
   ffmpeg                ffmpeg deinterlace video filter
   stream_out_switcher   MPEG2 video switcher stream output
   faad                  AAC audio decoder (using libfaad2)
   twolame               Libtwolame audio encoder
   a52tofloat32          ATSC A/52 (AC-3) audio decoder
   a52tofloat32          ATSC A/52 (AC-3) audio decoder
   x264                  H264 encoder (using x264 library)
   goom                  Goom effect
   mux_ps                PS muxer
   mux_dummy             Dummy/Raw muxer
   mux_avi               AVI muxer
   mux_ogg               Ogg/ogm muxer
   mux_mp4               MP4/MOV muxer
   mux_asf               ASF muxer
   mux_wav               WAV muxer
   mux_mpjpeg            Multipart jpeg muxer
   xtag                  Simple XML Parser
   dummy                 Dummy interface function
   dummy                 Dummy access function
   dummy                 Dummy demux function
   dummy                 Dummy decoder function
   dummy                 Dummy encoder function
   dummy                 Dummy audio output function
   dummy                 Dummy video output function
   dummy                 Dummy font renderer function
   ipv4                  UDP/IPv4 network abstraction layer
   memcpy                libc memcpy
   export                export
   export                M3U playlist exporter
   export                Old playlist exporter
   screensaver           X Screensaver disabler
   freetype              Freetype2 font renderer
   logger                File logging
   vod_rtsp              RTSP VoD server
   http                  HTTP remote control interface
   gestures              Mouse gestures control interface
   showintf              Interface showing control interface
   telnet                VLM remote control interface
   netsync               Network synchronisation
   hotkeys               Hotkeys management interface
   rc                    Remote control interface
   access_output_dummy   Dummy stream output
   access_output_file    File stream output
   access_output_udp     UDP stream output
   access_output_http    HTTP stream output
   cmml                  CMML annotations decoder
   cmml                  CMML annotations decoder
   spudec                DVD subtitles decoder
   spudec                DVD subtitles packetizer
   a52                   A/52 parser
   a52                   A/52 audio packetizer
   cinepak               Cinepak video decoder
   dts                   DTS parser
   dts                   DTS audio packetizer
   flacdec               Flac audio packetizer
   lpcm                  Linear PCM audio decoder
   lpcm                  Linear PCM audio packetizer
   araw                  Raw/Log Audio decoder
   araw                  Raw audio encoder
   vorbis                Vorbis audio decoder
   vorbis                Vorbis audio packetizer
   vorbis                Vorbis audio encoder
   adpcm                 ADPCM audio decoder
   mpeg_audio            MPEG audio layer I/II/III parser
   mpeg_audio            MPEG audio layer I/II/III packetizer
   libmpeg2              MPEG I/II video decoder (using libmpeg2)
   rawvideo              Pseudo raw video decoder
   rawvideo              Pseudo raw video packetizer
   subsdec               Text subtitles decoder
   dvbsub                DVB subtitles decoder
   dvbsub                DVB subtitles encoder
   svcdsub               Philips OGT (SVCD subtitle) decoder
   svcdsub               Philips OGT (SVCD subtitle) packetizer
   cvdsub                CVD subtitle decoder
   cvdsub                Chaoji VCD subtitle packetizer
   fake                  Fake video decoder
   asf                   ASF v1.0 demuxer
   avi                   AVI demuxer
   mp4                   MP4 stream demuxer
   m4a                   MPEG-4 audio demuxer
   m4v                   MPEG-4 video demuxer
   mpga                  MPEG-I/II audio demuxer
   mpgv                  MPEG-I/II video demuxer
   h264                  H264 video demuxer
   id3tag                ID3 tag parser using libid3tag
   playlist              Playlist
   playlist              M3U playlist import
   playlist              PLS playlist import
   playlist              B4S playlist import
   playlist              DVB playlist import
   a52sys                Raw A/52 demuxer
   dtssys                Raw DTS demuxer
   flac                  FLAC demuxer
   ogg                   Ogg stream demuxer
   m3u                   Playlist metademux
   demuxdump             Filedump demuxer
   rawdv                 raw DV demuxer
   au                    AU demuxer
   wav                   WAV demuxer
   nsv                   NullSoft demuxer
   real                  Real demuxer
   ts                    MPEG Transport Stream demuxer
   ps                    PS demuxer
   ps                    PS demuxer
   pva                   PVA demuxer
   aiff                  AIFF demuxer
   sgimb                 Kasenna MediaBase metademux
   mjpeg                 JPEG camera demuxer
   subtitle              Text subtitles demux
   ty                    TY Stream audio/video demux
   vobsub                Vobsub subtitles demux
   voc                   VOC demuxer
   xa                    XA demuxer
   nuv                   Nuv demuxer
   nsc                   Windows Media NSC metademux
   access_mms            Microsoft Media Server (MMS) input
   screen                Screen Input
   access_file           Standard filesystem file input
   access_directory      Standard filesystem directory input
   access_directory      Directory EOF
   access_udp            UDP/RTP input
   access_tcp            TCP input
   access_http           HTTP input
   access_ftp            FTP input
   dvdnav                DVDnav Input
   access_fake           Fake input
   visual                Visualizer filter
   i420_rgb              I420,IYUV,YV12 to RGB2,RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 
   i420_yuy2             Conversions from I420,IYUV,YV12 to 
   i422_yuy2             Conversions from I422 to 
   i420_ymga             Conversions from I420,IYUV,YV12 to YMGA
   trivial_mixer         Trivial audio mixer
   float32_mixer         Float32 audio mixer
   spdif_mixer           Dummy S/PDIF audio mixer
   mosaic                Mosaic video sub filter
   transform             Video transformation filter
   invert                Invert video filter
   adjust                Image properties filter
   distort               Distort video filter
   wall                  Wall video filter
   clone                 Clone video filter
   crop                  Crop video filter
   motionblur            Motion blur filter
   logo                  Logo video filter
   logo                  Logo sub filter
   deinterlace           Deinterlacing video filter
   deinterlace           Deinterlacing video filter
   blend                 Video pictures blending
   scale                 Video scaling filter
   time                  Time display sub filter
   marq                  Marquee display sub filter
   rss                   RSS feed display
   motiondetect          Motion detect video filter
   rv32                  RV32 conversion filter
   stream_out_dummy      Dummy stream output
   stream_out_description Description stream output
   stream_out_standard   Standard stream output
   stream_out_transcode  Transcode stream output
   stream_out_duplicate  Duplicate stream output
   stream_out_es         Elementary stream output
   stream_out_display    Display stream output
   stream_out_gather     Gathering stream output
   stream_out_rtp        RTP stream output
   stream_out_bridge     Bridge stream output
   stream_out_bridge     Bridge stream output
   stream_out_bridge     Bridge stream output
   stream_out_mosaic_bridge Mosaic bridge stream output
   x11                   X11 video output
   vout_sdl              Simple DirectMedia Layer video output
   image                 Image video output
   sap                   SAP Announcements
   sap                   SDP file parser for UDP
   shout                 Shoutcast radio listings
   trivial_channel_mixer audio filter for trivial channel mixing
   simple_channel_mixer  audio filter for simple channel mixing
   headphone_channel_mixer Headphone channel mixer with virtual 
spatialization effect
   dolby_surround_decoder Simple decoder for dolby surround encoded streams
   float32tos16          audio filter for float32->s16 conversion
   float32tos8           audio filter for float32->s8 conversion
   float32tou16          audio filter for float32->u16 conversion
   float32tou8           audio filter for float32->u8 conversion
   a52tospdif            audio filter for A/52->S/PDIF encapsulation
   dtstospdif            audio filter for DTS->S/PDIF encapsulation
   fixed32tos16          audio filter for fixed32->s16 conversion
   s16tofixed32          audio filter for s16->fixed32 conversion
   fixed32tofloat32      audio filter for fixed32<->float32 conversion
   s16tofloat32          audio filter for s16->float32 conversion
   s16tofloat32swab      audio filter for s16->float32 with endianness 
   s8tofloat32           audio filter for s8->float32 conversion
   u8tofixed32           audio filter for u8->fixed32 conversion
   u8tofloat32           audio filter for u8->float32 conversion
   trivial_resampler     audio filter for trivial resampling
   ugly_resampler        audio filter for ugly resampling
   linear_resampler      audio filter for linear interpolation resampling
   linear_resampler      audio filter for linear interpolation resampling
   bandlimited_resampler audio filter for band-limited interpolation 
   equalizer             Equalizer 10 bands
   normvol               Volume normalizer
   audio_format          audio filter for PCM format conversion
   packetizer_copy       Copy packetizer
   packetizer_mpegvideo  MPEG-I/II video packetizer
   packetizer_mpeg4video MPEG4 video packetizer
   packetizer_mpeg4audio MPEG4 audio packetizer
   packetizer_h264       H264 video packetizer
   access_filter_timeshift Timeshift
   access_filter_record  Record
   aout_file             File audio output
   aout_sdl              Simple DirectMedia Layer audio output
[00000001] main vlc debug: saving plugins cache file 

Antoine Cellerier wrote:
> Could you provide the output from vlc -vvv --color --list ?

C. J. Keist                     Email: cj.keist at engr.colostate.edu
UNIX/Network Manager            Phone: 970-491-0630
Engineering Network Services    Fax:   970-491-5569
College of Engineering, CSU
Ft. Collins, CO 80523-1301

All I want is a chance to prove 'Money can't buy happiness'

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