[vlc] Issues with viewing Windows media streams

Coup coupgm at gmail.com
Thu Mar 2 23:26:08 CET 2006

I have the following issues with viewing Windows media streams:

1. Mostly no sound, sporadic bursts of audio
2. After watching streams for a time (sometimes minutes, sometimes
hours) VLC suddenly grabs 100% of my cpu, my computer grinds to a halt
and I have to kill the VLC process.

I recently realized this probably happens because while watching these
streams I get a continuous stream of "PTS is out of range (xxxxxx),
dropping buffer" warnings.

VLC version 0.8.5-svn-20060302-001 (same thing happened with 0.8.4a)

Abit NF7-S Ver.2
AMD Barton XP-M 2500 (OCed to 2465 Mhz)
1 Meg PC-3500 DDR RAM
On board NVIDIA Soundstream audio
GeCube Radeon 9550 video

Roadrunner 5mbps down / 384kbps up

Windows XP Pro SP2, current, except WMP (I've never
allowed WPM 10 to be installed)

Two examples of streams where this happens:

I attach an example of the Message stream from connection to the first
stream above for under 1 minute, then closing that stream.

It was suggested I increase the caches for these streams, that had no effect.

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