[vlc] Re: Mainconcept encode play error

Måns Rullgård mru at inprovide.com
Sat Mar 4 03:09:18 CET 2006

Nico Sabbi <nsabbi at email.it> writes:

> Vaclav Koldus wrote:
>> PS: One simple idea. Could it be possible to remux the file again with
>> correct h264 PSM (type 0x1b?) Or just to add the PSM?  And which tools
>> could be able to do this?? IMHO - This should be the right way to
>> allow VLC
>> to play these files even without modyfiing the source code.
> you could prepend a small pack+psm block to the file. It's quite easy
> to generate using tcvp

It just got even easier.  All you need is this little program.  Run it
(e.g. psmgen -i 0xe0 -t 0x1b -i 0xc0 -t 0x03 > output) and prepend the
output to the MPEG file.  With just a little luck, it should play in
VLC (I don't have VLC installed right now).  Be warned, it writes the
PSM to stdout so redirecting it to a file is a good idea.

Måns Rullgård
mru at inprovide.com
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