[vlc] Re: I'm implementing subtitle charset-detector by using firefox's library

Christophe Mutricy xtophe at nxtelevision.com
Tue Feb 20 19:12:12 CET 2007


First you may have noticed that Rémi commited some clean-up to the
encoding selection code in subsdec.c.

So your subtitles might work better or give more usefull debug.

> >I would start trying to fix the GetFallbackLanguage() implementation 
> >rather than start a big gas factory if I were you. You can always build 
> >the factory later if it is really required
> Big gas factory?? Sorry for my poor english, I do not really get this. 
> There is a library wapper for the mozilla detector, I would like to 
> implementation it to vlc.

I think Rémi wants to say that a fix to GetFallbackLanguage() if
possible would be easier, quicker and more eleguant than having the
muxer performing extra operation implying a text buffer and linking to
(yet another) library



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