[vlc] ISDB-T TS can't be viewed

Neil Bertram neil at catalyst.net.nz
Fri Jan 11 03:59:57 CET 2008

Annajiat Rasel wrote:
> On Jan 10, 2008 4:52 AM, Nico Sabbi <Nicola.Sabbi at poste.it
> <mailto:Nicola.Sabbi at poste.it>> wrote:
>     Il Monday 07 January 2008 11:01:29 Klaus Oellerer ha scritto:
>         I've an ISDB-T TS and can't view it with VLC 0.8.6d. The TS is
>         hier attached
>         <ISDB-T_TS-FUJI218-ISDB-3_188_1seg_200Frame_46s_47001600Sample.ts>.
>         It has no PAT and is a Real World TS like it is used in Japan
>         ISDB-T broadcasting.  How I can view it with VLC or another
>         decoder ?
>     it has a PAT and mplayer can happily play it, although vlc sadly
>     doesn't play it 
> FYI,
> A Program Association Table is a specific PID that every transport
> stream is required to contain. It provides the correspondence the
> program numbers and the PIDs defined in the PMT. The PAT may be
> partitioned into 255 sections before it is mapped to a transport stream
> to minimize loss. Source: www.ineoquest.com/content258.html
> <http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&start=13&oi=define&ei=k9iGR-OFDJuMerykhfEI&sig2=g1eh9kYy36i3C8IpgILDkQ&q=http://www.ineoquest.com/content258.html&usg=AFQjCNEbMzMvqYNebn7T4z5m_WAvtJ0u0w>

Last time I read the VLC dev docs, they mentioned that although the PAT
is required, most streams lack one, so VLC ignores it and just searches
the stream for programs as it goes...

I don't think VLC would bail if it hit one, as they are in the mpeg spec
and all...


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